4 game ban for Wenger

A&H International
Possibly the bare minimum the FA could give him without looking stupid.

Still too short for the RESPECT campaign to be supported by this decision.
How on earth is it let off lightly?

Pardew got 2 matches for a push on an AR......Wenger gets double that......and a bigger fine.
How on earth is it let off lightly?

Pardew got 2 matches for a push on an AR......Wenger gets double that......and a bigger fine.
You're kidding right? Then maybe Pardew got off lightly too
This is a disgraceful sentence - but about the length we expected. No support for referees. Should have been 6-8 months, minimum.
But how often do we see players push referees and get away with it? A lot, under the guise of 'manhandling' (which would also be an immediate dismissal and long suspension in just about any other sport).

This sport could barely encourage refereeing abuse and assault more if it tried.
I think it is all about the timing. With the respect campaign restarted and the proposed strike in Manchester the whole issue of how officials are treated was in the news so when Wenger did what he did it was probably more talked about and discussed. The FA could have set an example to show support but didn't. A touchline ban is as much use as a chocolate teapot due to mobile phones, or in the old days coaches running backwards and forwards. A fine is nothing due to his salary. The only way to hurt the offender at this level is a stadium ban with an enforced communication ban. The FA have gone for a slightly longer ban than usual but what would have Jose Mouinho got? (liverpool fan posting) Wengner has just as bad rap sheet and I think he has laid hands on an official before. Surely past offences must be taken into consideration, if a player is sent off a few times in a season doesnt the ban get longer? Anyway the outcome is a bit dissapointing but expected. I feel sorry for the next ref at any level it happens to because it does seem to be at the top level you can do what you want and all players involved in grass roots football all see this on TV, and evan though they would probably say this behaivour is wrong it will probably be replicated, Well WEngner only got a 4 game ban.
We are surely not talking about assault guys, it was a bad thing to do but lets keep a little shove in perspective...it seems he got 2 games for the push and 2 games for using the C word with moss - seems about right to me. Different if he drop kicked him or punched him - i.e. Assault.

Que the "set an example" responses but "6-8 months minimum" for a shove would be ridiculous.
Good job he didn't snatch the note pad of the 4th official, they'd of thrown the key away at the Tower of London... :)
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You're kidding right? Then maybe Pardew got off lightly too
This is a disgraceful sentence - but about the length we expected. No support for referees. Should have been 6-8 months, minimum.
But how often do we see players push referees and get away with it? A lot, under the guise of 'manhandling' (which would also be an immediate dismissal and long suspension in just about any other sport).

This sport could barely encourage refereeing abuse and assault more if it tried.

Get a grip and a sesnse of perspective while you're at it. I've seen more forcefull shoves from people trying to get on a train........

We are surely not talking about assault guys, it was a bad thing to do but lets keep a little shove in perspective...it seems he got 2 games for the push and 2 games for using the C word with moss - seems about right to me. Different if he drop kicked him or punched him - i.e. Assault.

Que the "set an example" responses but "6-8 months minimum" for a shove would be ridiculous.


The punishment exactly fits the crime.....it was a minor push, very very minor. Pardew got 7 matches for headbutting a player.......see how this works?
The worse the offence, the bigger the sanction.........

Peope need to grow up and stop being Ryan.
While I agree with the ban and fine in this incident. I do think that they protect the refs a little to much in the sense that Managers can not complain if they think the ref has had a bad game. Insulting them I agree should be stopped, but saying that they think that the ref has been bad, what's wrong with that.
While I agree with the ban and fine in this incident. I do think that they protect the refs a little to much in the sense that Managers can not complain if they think the ref has had a bad game. Insulting them I agree should be stopped, but saying that they think that the ref has been bad, what's wrong with that.
They've had chance to be respectful but they can't help themselves, you never hear them slagging off their own players for that missed open goal. When the rule is STFU then thats what they should do... Refs have seen it for a fraction of a second, made a decision, right or wrong, they've had multiple views and briefings... Its not a mistake, its an error of judgement..... big difference... The assessor has the opportunity to comment and act accordingly if too much goes wrong!!! Far too much emotion after a game for a rational response not based on the result!!
They've had chance to be respectful but they can't help themselves, you never hear them slagging off their own players for that missed open goal. When the rule is STFU then thats what they should do... Refs have seen it for a fraction of a second, made a decision, right or wrong, they've had multiple views and briefings... Its not a mistake, its an error of judgement..... big difference... The assessor has the opportunity to comment and act accordingly if too much goes wrong!!! Far too much emotion after a game for a rational response not based on the result!!
So if Mr A Manager comes out to speak to BBC/Sky/BT etc and says Mr D Fender or Mr Mid Fielder (or even Mr S Triker) did X, Y or Z wrong and had a poor game and then says "but I also feel Mr Referee got this, this & that wrong and he's not been good enough", then it's ok?
Now now, I didn't say that Dan... I basically said that they never slag their own players off (to not affect their confidence), but they try and deflect blame to the ref (affecting his confidence) to hide their players or their own inadequacies. In this they have showed little or no respect for human referee frailties where they see it once and at full speed and have to pass instant judgement. Sky/BT have 30+ cameras and thats not really fair to knit pick at every close call or incident that didn't go their way....
Good on the FA for stopping them and fining them in the pocket..... Most of the managers have learned this, some alas still persist in losing money at FA HQ. Remember Wenger never sees anything negative of his team but his mince pies work perfectly the other way!!!
How on earth is it let off lightly?

Pardew got 2 matches for a push on an AR......Wenger gets double that......and a bigger fine.

As predicted by my good self - see another thread for "proof"!

2 as per Pardew for the shove, 1 for the original misconduct, 1 for taking so long to leave technical area.
While I agree with the ban and fine in this incident. I do think that they protect the refs a little to much in the sense that Managers can not complain if they think the ref has had a bad game. Insulting them I agree should be stopped, but saying that they think that the ref has been bad, what's wrong with that.
I'm not sure that managers are prohibited from complaining about referees - or if they are, it certainly doesn't seem to stop them. I do believe that when a manager complains about a ref in a post-match interview, they are usually giving an emotional, biased and often incorrect opinion which is heavily influenced by whether the game didn't go the way they wanted (it's very rarely the winning manager that says anything). What is not allowed (or at least, will almost always lead to charges) is for them to imply that the referee has not acted impartially.