3 Red Cards for me on Saturday



Im looking for some advice. My first RC on Saturday was for an attempted punch to an opponent off the ball is this VC for my report ?

Also what id like to know is I booked the captain for persistant dissent, he then looked at my Club assistant referee and said hes a blatent cheat so i gave him a second yellow was this the right decision ?

And finally I sent a player off at the end of last season for threatening to kill me lol he appeared at the game on saturday as a spectator and at the full time whilst came over to me giving me further abuse, Can I report him to my CFA ? And should he have even been at this game doesnt a football suspension ban them from watching games ? (not entirely sure about this)
A&H International
First red card would be for violent conduct.

2nd: totally fine. I would have/have done the same thing. You need to look after your assistants, club or neutral.

3rd: nothing stopping him from watching the game, I don't think hes allowed in the technical area or to be part of the game eg running the line. As for reporting him, yes, if the level of abuse aimed at you was bad enough. I wouldn't mention any previous you may have had with him though in your report though.
Thanks Ross im not going to report him as there was 3-4 at the end giving me abuse and i can only remember what one of them said i was keeping my eye on this particular player as I had Already cautioned him. I always find it hard to take notes on what everyone says in the way of abuse towards me how do people here remember everything lol
I'd be reporting the club for misconduct. I pull out my notebook and write it down there and then.
The only thing I can remember from the end of the match was the manager telling me I should have booked the opposition number 6 i gave him far to many chance " I think your his brother " Is this worthy of a misconduct report ?
The only thing I can remember from the end of the match was the manager telling me I should have booked the opposition number 6 i gave him far to many chance " I think your his brother " Is this worthy of a misconduct report ?

It's your call on this kind of thing really. I tend towards warning them that what they're saying is tantamount to accusing me of cheating, and if they were doing that I'd have to report it (or in the case of players, send them off). That normally makes the point without being over-sensitive - and it gives them an easy way out to avoid escalating the situation.

My issue is always about protecting the club linesmen, especially where I'm not sure that they're getting the calls right. Sometimes this is a matter of lack of attention or incompetence, other times it is blatant cheating. However, when I can rarely be in a position to call offside myself, I'm never sure whether to go with their call and then deal with the attacking team's (probably legitimate) complaints and potential abuse towards them, or to demonstrate myself that I am sceptical. I had this problem on Saturday and on reflection should have offered the club lino more support, even though I'm sure he started putting up his flag incorrectly after his team went behind. Anyone got any tips on handling such situations?
I was doing under 14's at the weekend. The Club lino gave a boarderline offside and the attacking team had a moan. Even better from the resulting free kick it was lumped up field and a goal scored. Cue the team moaning even more. The captain then made a move towards the lino as if to talk to him, so I called him over and he had a moan about the offside call. I told him that he's the skipper and needs to set an example to the rest of the team. I said I'm the ref and the linesman is part of my team and I wouldnt have anyone saying a word to him about it as they should be grateful they had people willing to help out and run the line for them. He apologised which pretty much saved him from me getting the book out!

There was also an offside late on in the game, shot that looked like a player in an offside position turned in. from my view I wasnt sure if he touched the ball. The linesman put his flag up as the ball went in so I blew up and went over to check with him what the decision was. I said I wasnt 100% sure from my angle so wanted him to tell me what he saw, he said he thought the player touched it as it was going in. Now I'm fairly sure he saying that just so his flagging didnt look stupid and we had to reverse the offside and give a goal. Plus he would have been giving a goal against the team he turned up with so I pretty much expected him to say it was offside! Although the team were 3-0 up at the time, so dont think a goal then making it 4-0 would have made a huge difference. I did make a point of saying I was giving the offside though which meant I got some stick from the touchline and from the players, but I think I'd rather have that than the linesman as they are doing me a favour so I'd rather I got the abuse than them.
As Martiju has said, everyone has their own tolerance level, so its entirely down to you whether you take it further

With regards to your club assistants being dishonest. This one is never easy, but what i try to do is get myself into a position to see the offsides myself. This can have its own problems in that you get caught behind play when the ball gets cleared. Ive always been lucky though :D
The CAR soon gets to know that you are watching him, and soon changes his mind when it comes to sticking the flag up. There is however the odd occasion when this doesn't work, and the CAR is still rather flag happy, on these occasions, I've relieved him of his duty as he's doing me and himself no favours.
I've not had any really bad CAR's as of yet. ALthough I think doing younger football you get alot of honest guys there that dont want to ruin the game. Plus chatting before the match you can usually tell what they will be like.
Match Report : After the home team made a substitution with X replacing Z, Team A appeared to lose all discipline. Firstly after the Away Teamu centre back tussled with X, and following a separate foul being awarded the Home centre back clearly punched Z on the back of the head and a deserved red card came out. The Home teams captain was then dismissed ten minutes later after picking up two bookings for dissent.
With the visitors down to nine men, they actually pulled one back. X, who otherwise was extremely solid on debut, fumbled a cross which was turned home to make it 2-1. The home side saw out a couple of nervy minutes to register their first league win.
A deserved victory for the Home Team and it is hoped they can keep this squad together and go on a run now to push themselves up the table.
The Home team take a short trip to another team on Tuesday night as they look to build on this victory

Oh well atleast they agreed with my decisions lol
Im looking for some advice. My first RC on Saturday was for an attempted punch to an opponent off the ball is this VC for my report ?

Also what id like to know is I booked the captain for persistant dissent, he then looked at my Club assistant referee and said hes a blatent cheat so i gave him a second yellow was this the right decision ?

And finally I sent a player off at the end of last season for threatening to kill me lol he appeared at the game on saturday as a spectator and at the full time whilst came over to me giving me further abuse, Can I report him to my CFA ? And should he have even been at this game doesnt a football suspension ban them from watching games ? (not entirely sure about this)

Use of the "cheat" word....instant red card.
Had this have been towards me i would have given him an instant red but as it was club assistant i only gave yellow rightly or wrongly i felt a yellow would do.
Had this have been towards me i would have given him an instant red but as it was club assistant i only gave yellow rightly or wrongly i felt a yellow would do.

I tell my club assistants that they are part of my team for that game - easy RC without hesitation!

You can only go with your gut at the time, however!
Match Report : After the home team made a substitution with X replacing Z, Team A appeared to lose all discipline. Firstly after the Away Teamu centre back tussled with X, and following a separate foul being awarded the Home centre back clearly punched Z on the back of the head and a deserved red card came out. The Home teams captain was then dismissed ten minutes later after picking up two bookings for dissent.
With the visitors down to nine men, they actually pulled one back. X, who otherwise was extremely solid on debut, fumbled a cross which was turned home to make it 2-1. The home side saw out a couple of nervy minutes to register their first league win.
A deserved victory for the Home Team and it is hoped they can keep this squad together and go on a run now to push themselves up the table.
The Home team take a short trip to another team on Tuesday night as they look to build on this victory

Oh well atleast they agreed with my decisions lol

A large portion of that is rather unnecessary. My report would read:

"In the Xth minute, I sent Mr. LAST NAME off from Team A for violent conduct after he attempted to punch his opponent, Mr. LAST NAME, in the back of the head.

In the X+10th minute, I sent Mr. LAST NAME off from Team A for receiving a second caution in the same match. The first caution was for dissent after he vocally questioned a decision I made with the assistance of my Club AR. The second caution was administered on the same play after he accused my Club AR of being a 'cheat.'"

The rest of it doesn't really matter and the more you put into the report, the more the offender has to pick at when they bring you to a hearing and say that there are inconsistencies in your report.
I think that's a match report written by one if the teams, not Andy