The Ref Stop

2nd open age mens


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi all

Been refereeing for just over a year now and I'm wanting to go for promotion from 7-6.

I did my first open age men's last week and have my 2nd booked for Sunday. Any tips or tricks greatly appreciated.

The Ref Stop
Have you applied for promotion yet?

I did mine last season 7-6 - I enjoyed the process and learnt a lot.

I would get yourself signed up for the highest league possible (either your county league or South East Counties) they will put you on some Assistant duties and that’s where you will learn loads from working with and watching experienced referees.

Then, if you like what you see and you’ve got a bit more experience go for it!
Anything that happened in the first one that you thought you could improve upon? From the little things like “forgot my flip flops” to “they had 12 players” etc.

What went well?

Did anything NOT happen? If it did this weekend, how would you tackle it? Play out some scenarios in your head.
Critique your performances but be kind/fair to yourself. You are going to get things wrong, try and look at ways you can avoid the same mistakes in the future. Most important thing, enjoy yourself and smile. Be happily imperfect.

Arrive nice and early (45 mins before KO) looking smart in your kit and set your stall up straight away. I always make sure I see and shake both manager's hands and introduce myself to them.
Have you applied for promotion yet?

I did mine last season 7-6 - I enjoyed the process and learnt a lot.

I would get yourself signed up for the highest league possible (either your county league or South East Counties) they will put you on some Assistant duties and that’s where you will learn loads from working with and watching experienced referees.

Then, if you like what you see and you’ve got a bit more experience go for it!
Thank you! I've expressed an interest to my RDO!
Anything that happened in the first one that you thought you could improve upon? From the little things like “forgot my flip flops” to “they had 12 players” etc.

What went well?

Did anything NOT happen? If it did this weekend, how would you tackle it? Play out some scenarios in your head.
I think a couple of too soft free kicks for the mens game compared to youth!
Critique your performances but be kind/fair to yourself. You are going to get things wrong, try and look at ways you can avoid the same mistakes in the future. Most important thing, enjoy yourself and smile. Be happily imperfect.

Arrive nice and early (45 mins before KO) looking smart in your kit and set your stall up straight away. I always make sure I see and shake both manager's hands and introduce myself to them.
Thank you! Yes absolutely great advice.
I think a couple of too soft free kicks for the mens game compared to youth!
Ah it happens almost every game. Sometimes you instinctively give one early just to get involved, sometimes you give a soft one to just get it back in your pocket, sometimes you just misread it. A soft foul is still a foul.

You can judge pretty early on how those midfield battles are gonna go. If they’re big hard *******s, they’re probably alright on a 50/50 😂
I okay with some early soft fouls as it gives you a chance to ease back a bit and let the tempo build. If those big hard *******s do start early it can be a bit harder to redraw the lines.