2nd assessment


Arran Williams

Hi all, as a follow up to my 1st assessment i had a 2nd done a week later on an Open age sunday game.

1. 1. Application of Law:
You entered the field of play confidently and went straight to the away side and started checking their equipment. When you were half way through the away manager shouted out he had the team sheet so you left the players you were checking and went and collected the team sheet leaving four players still to be checked. After you collected the team sheet you made your way to the home side and correctly checked their equipment, but this left four away players unchecked. I suggest you say ‘thank you’ to the manager and advise him you’ll get to it in a minute and then you are not distracted from your duties. Your application of law was of a good standard; you recognised a penal offence as early as the second minute where you rightly cautioned the A4 for a late challenge on H9. Then late on in the game you stopped play to caution the H16 for dissent, however on this occasion you incorrectly restarted play with a dropped ball when the correct way to restart should have been an indirect free-kick to the opposing side. If the dissent shown to you only warranted a caution as you deemed on that occasion, then think about cautioning the player at the next stoppage in play. In the eighty-fifth minute you rightly awarded a free kick to the home side after A4 had committed a foul. A4 let you know that in his opinion you had got it wrong and he was shouting at you from some distance. He also kicked the ball down field showing you two types of dissent (word and by action), and yet on this occasion you choose to do nothing. If someone shows you dissent either by word or action you need to deal with it, i.e. a caution and even a second caution if needs be upon repetition.

2. Match Control:
You refereed this game confidently, even though you should have cautioned the A4 for a second time and dismissed him from the field of play. This was the only show of dissent throughout the game and it is to your credit you stopped the game when needed and let it flow whilst speaking to players. I think your calm demeanour was very good for this game as there were only 12 fouls during the full 90 minutes.

3. Positioning, Fitness & Work Rate:
You worked very hard throughout this game, not letting the boggy and uneven surface hamper your movement. You were always on top of things and showed good side to side movement, good diagonal positioning, a great level of fitness and good knowledge of ‘dropping zones’. Great positions to monitor 9&5 challenges were also adopted. Good changes of pace with quick sprints when play was breaking from end to end were noted, as were short, sharp bursts to drop back and let play evolve in front of you, but never straying far away from play. Your positioning is on both sides from corner kicks and you remain static, which could lead to you missing a ball going over the goal line or you could easily be caught up in play. Players will also pick up that you take up the same position, so keep them guessing where you are going, use the same strategy as you do in open play.

4. Alertness & Awareness, Including management of stoppages: Good level of awareness; you dealt with substitutions correctly, went over to the half way line and waited for one player to leave the field of play before the substitute was allowed to enter, well done. You were late though to pick up on an away player lying injured. Whilst you shouted that you had seen him, players were waiting for you to make a decision as the ball was still in open play. My advice to you would be to stop play, assess the injured player then restart with a dropped ball from where it was last located.

5. Communication:
This was your strongest point throughout this game. Your whistle tone was loud and clear when you were giving a free kick for a heavy challenge, with a softer tone for simple infringements. Your arm signals were also clear and precise with a straight arm indicating off side offences and good arm signals for corner kicks/goal kicks. Great voice commands for throw-ins and you made sure that free kicks weren’t taken until you were ready and you sold this perfectly by telling them and showing the keeper and players your whistle and saying ‘on my whistle’. Well done

6. Teamwork:
With only club officials to assist you, what you did was good. You took a flag to each team, introduced yourself and found out who would be helping you with ball in and out of play. You were never swayed by their decisions and used them well.

7. Advantage:
Throughout this game there were not a lot of chances to play advantage but you did allow four and after each one of them you had to bring play back as advantage did not occur. Just give yourself a bit more thinking time, look at the proximity of opposing players and take into account player’s skill levels before deciding if it is advantage or ball procession.

Section Strengths Section Development areas
2 Good reading of the game 1 Consistency when cautioning
3 Fitness & work level 4 Alertness
5 Good communication 7 Don’t be too quick to use the advantage clause, give yourself thinking time
A&H International
You were late though to pick up on an away player lying injured
just to point out i did notice him, i assessed A. there was very little contact B. no blood C. it wasn't a head injury D. only 1-2 players had stopped to look at him E. his team was on the attack

All of this said to me continue playing - after the attack was finished i went over to the player to check he was okay and he then got up and after asking did he need someone on he said he was fine
and carried on.
That's a good assessment overall, although you'll lose marks for not dismissing/being consistent with cautions.
Alertness will drop you a couple of marks, not too much and the advantage thing the same.

Seems you had a good game, be happy!
defo' happy especially after the 1st assessment a week before which was at best a sh***er. I know exactly why i tried to play the advantages as that usually a good point of my game so panicked to try and get a few in to show the assessor.