2 yellows no red


RefChat Addict
Had a really tough game today. Low grade AAM with no ARs. First time refereeing both teams.The game ended up with eight yellow cards, three of them for dissent. A lot of whinging throughout the game particularly from the red team.

At half time i had a chat with the red captain and he said he will talk to his team to cut it out. It did not stop in the second half though. Another quite talk to the captain on the run that I wont be keeping the card in my pocket any longer. "Go for it ref, I can''t shut them up".

Five minutes later i blow for a foul against red. Red 8 blows up. I wait for for him to calm down and out comes the yellow card. Before I have a chance to put the card back in my pocket Red 9 shouts "you see the whistle ref, shove it in your pocket." and now he is in the books. And that was the last booking for the game as it finished with not too much more trouble.

When completing the teamsheet at the end of the game I noticed I had cautioned Red 9 in the first half but I did not send him off after his second half caution.

This is the first time this has happened to me. I always remember who I caution. Only twice before I had forgotten, once I was reminded by the opponent and the second time my AR gave me a signal.

Has this happened to anyone else and how did you handle it?
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A&H International
Did you take your book out

But I'd say another tip as well Take your time look at your book when you take it out single player then if you've already cautioned go to your yellow pocket show him yellow then get your red out show player red
Better referees than yourself have made the same mistake at much higher levels. I know it can be tricky keeping a track of every player, especially when lots of cards are coming out.
This has happened to me ish. I have noticed ive booked Blue 9 before for example but i didnt remember the face and I asked if they swapped shirts with subs and they said yeah as they only had 11 so for that game i had to take names :/ Hate doing that sometimes, just slows the game down far too much for my liking
My daughter did U12s on Saturday. Greens had three number 4s.
Team sheet had different numbers for them and she didn't notice until after the game had started. No cards, but two of the 4s scored. Team manager said at half time, yeah shirts didn't fit at the start of the season, all we had etc.
It's a lot mate, see if you can do better with your focusing

What I was going to say, once is too many and this shouldn't really happen.

Don't go all Premier League on this, always take players names and give yourself thinking time before issuing each caution. You can never rely on shirt numbers at your level of football, even with teamsheets, so get out of that habit.

What you do now is up to you - you should be submitting this as a send off for two cautions. I assume you told the player after the game he was being reported as such?
I have two notebooks.
One for goals, substitutions etc
One exclusively for cautions, dismissals. When I caution I write:=
1/32 - Blue - No 5 - John Smith - USB/FT (i.e 32nd minute of the 1st half, yellow to blue no 5 (John Smith) etc
That was I can easily scan back when making a caution and avoid missing a double yellow. It's not all clogged up (in this case) with irrelevant information.
The secret is to take your TIME. When I started, I though I had to do it all as quickly as possible as 22 players and the spectators were looking at me. It should all happen at the pace you are comfortable with.
@one - if you have cautioned the same player twice but not dismissed him in-game - and you have his name confirmed, plus he was the same player you dished out two cards for - send in the reports to the FA as usual with a covering letter stating that you made an error and did not dismiss (aka "Reporting the Facts") - and let them sort it out.

Worst thing you can do if this has happened is not sending the paperwork in - as it'll leave it open to come back on you and bite you on the backside
I've been fortunate enough that in the 9 games that I have reffed so far I havent needed to issue one card... Not one
BLimey, I dont think I've ever managed a run of 9 games without giving a card!
Thank you all. A lot of good advice here. While it is reassuring to see that this has never happened in any of the readers refereeing career (and it only happens on TV or youtube :) ) I am sure to change a couple of things in my refereeing style to stop it from happening again.