1st assessment of the season

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Arran Williams

Hi all had my 1st assessment done a few weeks ago. Posted it on another forum and everyone seemed to be happy that they could see what other refs were doing so i thought i'd put it on here.
since this i've had a 2nd assessment on the sunday before last which felt a lot better :)

1. 1. Application of Law:
You checked the players equipment before the game and made them aware of the ruling regarding tape around the socks. A stronger blast of the whistle to summon the captains would be beneficial it shows your authority from the start. I feel today you missed many infringements as your positioning was very poor as we talked about in the post match de-brief (see section 3) In the 15th minute you missed a clear push by SB3 on WR10. 20th minute WR9 clearly won the ball in a fair tackle but you penalized him. In the 34th minute WR5 recklessly tacked SB12 which warranted a caution but you didn’t even award a free kick much to everyone’s surprise even the home teams management. In the 40th minute after you had missed the push by SB3 on WR10 the WR10 shouted at you “open your F***ing eyes” you chose to take no action. You finally cautioned SB keeper in the 73rd minute for his constant dissent to you, I feel had you done this much earlier it would have helped stopped the dissent you were receiving from players. Then in the 77th minute you also cautioned SB11 for comment he made after the award of a free lick against him. In the 71st minute you awarded a goal kick to WR, take your time with the decision making as player reaction clearly showed it was a corner just delay for a few seconds.
2. Match Control:
I thought today you never really had full match control and that your Authority was severally questioned at times. Wrong decision making was the major cause of player reactions today. I feel once you have corrected your positioning you will get the majority of the decisions right and this will cut down a lot of the dissent you received today. In saying that you need to deal with this dissent as it happens and not just let it go, players will see this as a weakness and play on it. Try to sense when the temperature of the game rises and when your tolerance level needs to go down to counteract the worsening behaviour of the players. Don’t be too friendly with the players as they told you today they just wanted the correct decision to be made and get on with the game. Involve the skippers in trying to help you manage the players. You still managed to referee today with a smile on your face well done !

3. Positioning, Fitness & Work Rate:
Today I feel your positioning was a major fact in you missing a lot of infringements and the cause of a lot of the dissent. We spoke in the post match debrief and used the diagrams to show the diagonal in which is best to run. At corners we spoke about you been nearer the dropping zone where most infringements take place. You chose to stand 10 metres in front of the corner taker on the goal line. We also spoke about free kick situations you only count 8 short paces for the defensive wall and that needs to be 9.15m. Once you have set up the wall move again to where to can see the dropping zone you are tending to go out towards the touchline looking for offside. It was pleasing to see you took notes after every game to try improving your performance. You are a very fit young man and you have the ability to get around the field of play, you just need to use this fitness better. We also spoke about using dead ball time better. Once you have awarded the goal kick get back to where you think the next phase of play will occur as today you were often seen on the edge of the defending teams penalty area when the goal kick was been taken so you missed numerous challenges in the dropping zone. We also chatted ref to once you have blown your whistle to keep running so when the player then looks up you are nearer the incident thus will receive less dissent.
4. Alertness & Awareness, Including management of stoppages:
Injured players were dealt with correctly and play restarted quickly. You used the spare ball to good effect. Substitutions were also carried out quickly and efficiently. You played the correct amount of added time at the end of each half.. Take more care when measuring the 9.15 meters Try doing it occasionally walking backwards keeping an eye on the ball. On a couple of occasions, had you adopted the ‘trailing eye’ technique, you would have seen penal offences committed. The trailing eye is where you keep your eyes on the original challenge, whilst being aware of the next phase of play.
5. Communication:
Vary your whistle tone for the severity of the offence. Arm signal needs to be given immediately the foul is blown and given in a confident way and with conviction and certainty. On a number of occasions, you were too slow in signalling direction after a whistle. This appears to convey uncertainty and lack of confidence. You tried talking to player to be proactive but at time were over friendly. To your credit you constantly tried working with the players. Just take that step back at times and let them get on with it.
6. Teamwork:
You had 2 club assistants who gave you good support in general. It was very pleasing to see you thank them vocally on the odd occasion. On one occasion in the 38th minute to changed your mind on a throw in when questioned by the home team manager with the flag, even though you were 10 metres from the incident and he was 50, just becareful as it seemed that he had influenced your decision
7. Advantage:
You play advantage on numerous occasions today, the one in the 22nd minute was especially pleasing as it lead to a goal. You also played advantage in the 28th, 55th and 82nd minutes. Don’t be afraid to bring play back and award the original offence if no advantage occurs. Speak to the offender at the next opportunity. Well done on this section.
Section Strengths Section Development areas
6 You worked well with the club assistants. 1 use the laws of the game to help you counteract the worsening behaviour of the players
7 You used the advantage clause very well today. 2 Be more decisive and show more confidence in your ability. Be stronger when dealing with dissent
5 You communicated well with players and management , don’t be too friendly 3 Please read this section and use the points we spoke about in the de-breif
A&H International
what i picked up at the end of the 2nd assessment from the assessor was.
few things he picked up on and described them as teething issues
1. awareness of:
A. Advantages - in the middle of the park, no real chance of it going anywhere, had to bring it back. confused people especially those on sidelines. also we spoke as a away player went down with cramp. at the time what went through my head was hes unchallenged, holding his leg no screaming but not silent/ motionless either therefore not serious and when the balls out of play next see if he's okay. clarified that to the assessor so he seemed okay.
B. player shouted at me "f**k off ref" after i didnt give a FK his way. IMO other guy won ball no problems. stopped play, booked player. restarted with a dropped ball! WHY??? i have no idea

2. checking players equipment and got distracted by their manager giving me the team sheet and didn't finish checking all players. stupidity on my part to be honest - didn't even realise i'd done it.
3. taking flag to the assistants before game. again 1st time ive ever done something like this. it was just because away team were out 5 mins before k/o which threw me as it was a cup game as well. im used to everyone out 15 mins before and sorting things then.
4. static at corners - i thought i was moving but i realised after it was only negligible movement at best. from edge of D to a little bit further in.

Good points he picked up on:
1. positioning was spot on. kept out of the center circle. up with play on most occasions and when not worked to get there asap. made most decisions credible.
2 fitness - no issues
3. cracked down early. he knew i had previous issues with cracking down early on tackles etc. 2 mins gone - home on half way line with ball running at 3 away defenders, goes past 1 then 2nd takes him out. straight caution.
4. management of game and communication - tried to talk to players, bring captains in and thank liners etc.

overall pretty pleased with the outcome, although some silly mistakes.
mate thanks for posting these, i can see my own faults when reading them, i was meant to have an assessor turn up to my big game today, was disappointed when he didn't show, foul recognition is a big one for me, but i am getting there.
A harsh assessment I feel, the assessor has been very negative and not used a very positive tone.

He has been very detailed however, and there are plenty of points you can pick up on! If you need any advice, please feel free to private message me!
Like drahc says, although written in a not-very-positive tone, the first assessment contains a lot of useful advice. Also, as a 'first' assessment I would expect a detailed report anyway. Good to see the 2nd one shows improvement in the areas mentioned in the first.
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