1st Assesment


So i'm in for my first 7-6 assesment tomorrow (Saturday afternoon). I have assistant referees appointed.

Any tips/hints would be grateful.
A&H International
Best tip I can give you. Relax! Appointed assistants? Lucky you! Make sure your team talk covers everything, but don't teach them to suck eggs!

Other than that, go out there and enjoy it, the whole point of assessments is to help you develop, so don't do anything you wouldn't normally do just because your being watched.
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Great advice about NAR pre match chat


And as Ross said, put it out of your mind. Ref your usual style, enjoy yourself!
That might be appropriate at Jeff's level but not at 7-6. Up to level 4, the assessor expects around 7 minutes of clear instructions on the main issues
Pre-match kit inspection
Entry/exit to the field
Pre-match procedure - coin toss etc.
Offside decisions
Eye contact at all other ball out of play incidents to avoid crossing
Area of credibility
Penalty kicks - awarding and positioning
Positioning at GK and CK
Mass confrontations
Dear god, really? As I know you are an assessor, I guess I know the answer to that question. That is a crazy amount of info to talk through.
Dear god, really? As I know you are an assessor, I guess I know the answer to that question. That is a crazy amount of info to talk through.
It's a lot to get through which is why many referees use a prompt card to remember everything. It all needs to be covered and I've heard it over one hundred times, so things that a referee wants someone to do differently stick out like a sore thumb. You can also tell when they have picked up a new instruction from a Contrib referee as EVERY Supply referee makes special reference to it in their pre-match.
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