10 Yard Rule - Free Kicks


Level 9 Referee
Is it law to stand 10 yards away from a free kick in all directions ?. Meaning can an opposing player stand say 5 yards to the left or right of a free kick if he isn't gaining an advantage by not retreating the 10 yard rule ?. I had one come up in one of my fixtures a few weeks ago that a defending player was to the right of the ball at a free kick but wasn't looking to gain an advantage from it and he was about 5 yards away , an attacking player complained to me about the distance but I let it go as he wasn't looking to block the free kick or get involved with it in any way shape or form , was I correct or is it 10 yards away from a free kick full stop ?.
A&H International
Thanks Dan - I assumed that was the case to be honest and I will implement this in future if it occurs again.
10 yards please - all directions :)

  • Free-kicks inside the defensive penalty area - opposition players must be outside the penalty area (could be more than 10 yards away)
  • Indirect free-kicks (IFKs) inside the other penalty area - defensive players can stand on the goal line (between the posts) if this is less than 10 yards from the free-kick
"If you dont have a situation, dont create one" sometimes what I think, but sometimes you have to follow the bible which is the LOTG
"If you dont have a situation, dont create one" sometimes what I think, but sometimes you have to follow the bible which is the LOTG

But then the bible / all holy books are open to interpretation and flexible to circumstances. Comes to the question of whether, to continue the religious theme, you an evangelical or a more liberal type.

I'd say depends on the game. My approach to this now and similar issues quite different to my first incarnation as a referee nearly 20 years ago as a teenage student.
Another situation, if a player is less than 10 yards away from the ball but doesn't deliberately play at it you play on, even if he gains possession of it. :confused: