7-6 first observation

joe cunningham

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Just a quick one. I've got my first 7-6 observation tomorrow. Just want to ask what the assessor will be looking for?

A&H International
I've done three or four 7-6 observations in this marking season, Joe. Don't worry - the observer is not there to catch you out, and at this level, it is more coaching than observing.

He'll be looking to see that you can apply law correctly (with regards to offside, fouls and misconduct, etc) and that you can identify what is and isn't a foul! He'll be looking for you to maintain a good level of control over the game (and what you do to keep it) and how you react should the tempo of the game change. Apart from that, he'll be looking to see you adopt the correct positions at dead ball times, and that your fitness and movement is good enough for the game you're refereeing, to get you in the positions you need to be, to see the things you need to see!

After the game, they'll come in and check the cards you've shown, as well as ask questions to clarify anything that was unclear from the touchline. Then they'll give you roughly three things you did well, and three things to think about for the future.

Best of luck mate!
I've done three or four 7-6 observations in this marking season, Joe. Don't worry - the observer is not there to catch you out, and at this level, it is more coaching than observing.

He'll be looking to see that you can apply law correctly (with regards to offside, fouls and misconduct, etc) and that you can identify what is and isn't a foul! He'll be looking for you to maintain a good level of control over the game (and what you do to keep it) and how you react should the tempo of the game change. Apart from that, he'll be looking to see you adopt the correct positions at dead ball times, and that your fitness and movement is good enough for the game you're refereeing, to get you in the positions you need to be, to see the things you need to see!

After the game, they'll come in and check the cards you've shown, as well as ask questions to clarify anything that was unclear from the touchline. Then they'll give you roughly three things you did well, and three things to think about for the future.

Best of luck mate!
Thank you for that matey. Really appreciate it pal!! I'm looking forward to it although it's my first ever league middle :bite:
Thank you for that matey. Really appreciate it pal!! I'm looking forward to it although it's my first ever league middle :bite:
Whatever happens it is just another game of football. Just do what you normally do, dont change anything for the observer. Changes are best made based on he observers advice abput your current performances.
Being observed is a great opportunity to have an outside perspective on how to improve your performance.
Whatever happens it is just another game of football. Just do what you normally do, dont change anything for the observer. Changes are best made based on he observers advice abput your current performances.
Being observed is a great opportunity to have an outside perspective on how to improve your performance.

This is great advice. I assessed a young lad 7-6 back in April, who I had previously coached on his first open age middle. Unfortunately, despite me reassuring him before the game, he got himself in a complete state over the fact that he was being assessed, and changed everything about his game, resulting in a bit of a nightmare performance.

The moral of the story is: he was a hundred times better when he wasn't overthinking it! Go out, do your natural game and take on board anything that you can do to improve.
Joe I'll wish you luck pal I last year went for my 7-6 and failed but re trying. as said above that's what it pretty much boils down to what I would say take your time with your decisions put a lot of sprints in and you will be absolutely be fine
On that league or this season or ever? If it's the third one, that seems a little harsh and more than unfair.
I've been sent to assess a 7-6 candidate tomorrow - it's his first ever open age game! I did raise this after I spoke to him on the phone, but the reply I got back was "he's applied for promotion - if he's chosen to do it in his first year on open age, that's his decision."
I've been sent to assess a 7-6 candidate tomorrow - it's his first ever open age game! I did raise this after I spoke to him on the phone, but the reply I got back was "he's applied for promotion - if he's chosen to do it in his first year on open age, that's his decision."
I had exactly the same position, but the match was in early March. The kid had done lots of OA lines and U16 & U19 middles, but it was his first OA middle.

Look at them as the first piece of development. Your comments will mould him for the rest of his career.
That shouldn't happen as rule 4(F) of the FA's regulation for the control and registration of referees states ...

A Level 7 Referee must officiate as a Referee in a minimum of 20 games in one registration period before applying for promotion. No Affiliated Association may impose any other qualification periods which cause delayed passage through the promotion pyramid.
That shouldn't happen as rule 4(F) of the FA's regulation for the control and registration of referees states ...

A Level 7 Referee must officiate as a Referee in a minimum of 20 games in one registration period before applying for promotion. No Affiliated Association may impose any other qualification periods which cause delayed passage through the promotion pyramid.

Can youth games not count? All it says is "20 games" unless I'm missing something?
Can youth games not count? All it says is "20 games" unless I'm missing something?

It was for the guy I watched. Turned 16 in September 2016 he told me, did 20+ youth games, and then applied for promotion starting 1st March 2017, and was accepted onto the promotion scheme.
Youth games do count in the minimum of 20 games before applying for promotion - I queried my RDO on this earlier in March.

Because of my work, I can't do regular Saturdays so I do far more Youth (U16) games which are on a Sunday than OA games on a Saturday. I had done well in excess of 20 games before the promotion season began, but not 20 OA games. My RDO would have been happy for me to proceed onto the promotion programme on that basis.

(In the end, I didn't enter the promotion programme as I can't be sure I can do 14 (70% of 20) OA games that qualify for promotion in one promotion season (I've done 8 OA games in the last 4 weeks, but as friendlies, they wouldn't count). Looks like I'll stay a lowly seven.)