Ryan Atkin, the UK's first 'out' professional football referee

Anyone hear the former England Lady on the radio this morning with her allegations that were tactfully brushed sideways!!
No but I have read about it. Worth pointing out the lady who conducted the independent enquiry was a black female who is a qualified solicitor i believe I am correct in saying
A&H International
Can't believe some of these comments. Yes, his sexuality shouldn't matter. It's irrelevant to his ability to officiate. Don't think anyone disagrees with that. BUT football as a sport is still incredibly homophobic - we have only one 'out' official at that standard and no openly gay players. Football culture is still highly unwelcoming, and this high profile coming out will hopefully encourage more people who are either playing/officiating or have been put off from participating because of the homophobia to participate. That can only be a positive for the sport we all love.
Anyone hear the former England Lady on the radio this morning with her allegations that were tactfully brushed sideways!!

You mean the player that refused to cooperate with the independent enquiry chaired by a leading female barrister into her claims? And is now complaining that she didn't get the result she wanted?
You mean the player that refused to cooperate with the independent enquiry chaired by a leading female barrister into her claims? And is now complaining that she didn't get the result she wanted?
It's the central contract and tens of thousands of pounds in exchange for zero minutes playing time that undermines that ^^
Her thoughts on the matter were pretty strong for what was said, ill not repeat it but something is fishy when they pay out anyway!
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Good for him, we all know that being gay, straight, or bi has no impact on how well (or not) someone can referee a football match.

The problem stems from how an openly gay official or player in the men's game would be treated, mainly by the fans rather than the other players.

The problem I have is with the term "openly gay", as this implies that those who are gay are hiding it, which isn't necessarily the case.

Someone can be gay, and people won't know simply because they don't bang on about it, rather than them making a conscious decision to hide it from people.

A referee is a good example of this, I've never turned up to a match where my sexual orientation has come up either before during or after.
I've worked with Ryan, albeit a long time ago, and I very much doubt he has done this for any kind of publicity or to further his own refereeing career. I also very much doubt he would have spoken to the press without the permission of the FA.

There's a massive problem with homophobia in football, and anyone who thinks there isn't is living in denial. It was reported just this week that Brighton supporters were subjected to homophobic taunts at Leicester just because they were from Brighton, and indeed people were arrested for it.

The law of averages dictates that of the thousands of professional footballers in England there must be a significant number who are gay. None of them have yet come out as gay as they know full well that will lead to abuse from supporters, and seeing things like the situation at Leicester isn't going to help that. Likewise, of the hundreds of referees and assistants in the professional game there has to be, at a guess, at least 10 that are gay based on statistical percentages. They are probably hiding their personal lives from their colleagues and refereeing bosses for fear of being exposed, so I would say fair play to Ryan for going public with it.
or how about people are keeping their personal lives from anyone else, because, its personal
no shortage of "gay" officials in Scotland. But its no business of anyone else.
So we all agree that no matter what the sexual preference of the official it shouldn't diminish his ability to officiate. We also all agree that in today's modern society that there is still an issue with how people are treated because of their sexual preference, race or colour? As demonstrated in Charlottesville last week.

So, I haven't heard anyone say he isn't a good official? He has announced, come out, proclaimed whatever way you want to put it that he is gay, well done.

When Nigel Owens did it, there was a TV programme about him and a frenzy, do we hear homophobic chants against him at rugby matches? No. When the first openly gay official makes a decision that affects a game in the premier league will we?

Sexuality is still an issue for some people which is why some of the 1.5% hide it, due to religious views or morals or whatever reason. It is wrong, live and let live and let's get on with things, they shouldn't have to worry about what is said about them, but they do.

I repeat well done to Ryan for coming out and hopefully leading to more people having the confidence to express themselves.
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or how about people are keeping their personal lives from anyone else, because, its personal
no shortage of "gay" officials in Scotland. But its no business of anyone else.
Congratulations on never having been subjected to homophobic abuse in your career. But try not to let the fact that clearly hasn't happened TO YOU make you think that it's never happened to anyone, and doesn't happen regularly up and down the country.

As @RustyRef says, homophobia is a problem in football that should concern us all. In my opinion, people coming out publicly and being "proud" is a helpful way of fighting this problem. Of course it doesn't affect his refereeing ability - but it does affect the hundreds of people in football who feel like they have to remain closeted. So well done to him for having the courage to be an example.
What about this......some cretin shouts "p00fy ba%tard" at said article guy......homophobic?
Some cretin shouts the same thing as a 100% fully qualified signed up paid up member of the straighter than a ruler club. Homophobic?
Is it only offensive or indeed legally wrong if the person the shout is aimed at is actually homosexual?
This is where things differ from colour, as it would be utterly bizarre for FOR EXAMPLE a "white" person to be abused with words normally associated with derogatory comments against the colour of a "black" persons skin

Live and let live indeed, go signal offside, enjoy your game, rugby, totally different, having attended many rugby matches at club and national level, I don't recall ever having heard chants about a referee for any reason, nothing to do with Nigel Owens, who also spilled beans on eating disorders, but that's not as newsworthy clearly or as interesting as his sexual choice......
Congratulations on never having been subjected to homophobic abuse in your career. But try not to let the fact that clearly hasn't happened TO YOU make you think that it's never happened to anyone, and doesn't happen regularly up and down the country.

As @RustyRef says, homophobia is a problem in football that should concern us all. In my opinion, people coming out publicly and being "proud" is a helpful way of fighting this problem. Of course it doesn't affect his refereeing ability - but it does affect the hundreds of people in football who feel like they have to remain closeted. So well done to him for having the courage to be an example.

Referees get shouted at by the crowd because they are bald, ginger, overweight, just cos that should happen to someone should a prominent ginger referee take a stance and say "hey am ginger, deal with it" ? No, he just gets on with the task in hand....
As said, there are plenty, very very very top flight gay officials in Scotland but do they have any reason to go running to the press saying "am gay, I think I better tell the world" ? No..cos there is no requirement or need to do so...
Referees get shouted at by the crowd because they are bald, ginger, overweight, just cos that should happen to someone should a prominent ginger referee take a stance and say "hey am ginger, deal with it" ? No, he just gets on with the task in hand....
As said, there are plenty, very very very top flight gay officials in Scotland but do they have any reason to go running to the press saying "am gay, I think I better tell the world" ? No..cos there is no requirement or need to do so...
Someone's come out publicly in an attempt to fight homophobia. How is that a bad thing?
Ciley, still made headlines in some papers, ok not a tv show about it!

A homophobic or racist statement is still a homophobic or racist statement no matter who it is aimed at? If I used the n word in relation to one of my white friends it is none the less offensive?
If you think its beneficial then that's great.

If you feel your life is better off for knowing this guy prefers to winch guys over girls then that's great too

I personally don't care if the assistant is blue, has 1 arm and 3 feet, and has a dummy in mouth and nappy fetish, as long as they get the correct decisions on the park.
Ciley, still made headlines in some papers, ok not a tv show about it!

A homophobic or racist statement is still a homophobic or racist statement no matter who it is aimed at? If I used the n word in relation to one of my white friends it is none the less offensive?

That's my point. is it? Would it happen? and is it illegal if it did? Is there any precedent in a "white" person reporting a race crime after being called (for example) the N word?
If you think its beneficial then that's great.

If you feel your life is better off for knowing this guy prefers to winch guys over girls then that's great too

I personally don't care if the assistant is blue, has 1 arm and 3 feet, and has a dummy in mouth and nappy fetish, as long as they get the correct decisions on the park.
FFS. No one is saying that his sexuality has anything to do with his decision making, stop pretending that's what people are saying.

Homophobia is a problem in football and it's a problem that literally causes players and referees to quit and to enjoy their football less. I'm baffled why you're having such a negative reaction to someone who's trying to fight against that. It might not affect you personally, but so what? Have some empathy.
Am saying there are plenty folk who are and have been outstanding officials and are homosexual, who had no reason at all to sing and dance about it.
Rennie was coloured, who cares/cared? Do we now all of a sudden have 1000 top flight coloured EPL officials due to him? No, cos someone's colour is not important.

Anyways, according to my own national body, its not being gay that's an issue, its how gay you are.....go figure.
So we all agree that no matter what the sexual preference of the official it shouldn't diminish his ability to officiate. We also all agree that in today's modern society that there is still an issue with how people are treated because of their sexual preference, race or colour? As demonstrated in Charlottesville last week.

So, I haven't heard anyone say he isn't a good official? He has announced, come out, proclaimed whatever way you want to put it that he is gay, well done.

When Nigel Owens did it, there was a TV programme about him and a frenzy, do we hear homophobic chants against him at rugby matches? No. When the first openly gay official makes a decision that affects a game in the premier league will we?

Sexuality is still an issue for some people which is why some of the 1.5% hide it, due to religious views or morals or whatever reason. It is wrong, live and let live and let's get on with things, they shouldn't have to worry about what is said about them, but they do.

I repeat well done to Ryan for coming out and hopefully leading to more people having the confidence to express themselves.
And nigel Owen is probably the only rugby ref I and majority of country could name off top of our head. No doubt enhanced his book sales, tv appearance opportunities etc hence my comments about celeb ref. Not criticising him for doing it in general just saying it might not be 100 per cent out of goodness of his heart although accept that may be considered harsh speculation as I don't know him personally as other forum member does.