Open Age My first red card...


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hello all,

So, this my being my first season, I yesterday, had the immense pleasure :rolleyes: of showing my ever first red card - bearing in mind I've been reffing about a game a week - sometimes two - since September last year, it's had me thinking if I'm perhaps a bit too lenient...

But ANYWAY. Cup game yesterday, I knew the away team and had never had any issues with them, the other team were a bunch of spritely young chaps so I saw this one only going one way - shows what I know as it went to extra time and pens.

Five minutes in, fairly innocuous foul about 10 yards outside the home team box, away player had been running and just got nicked by the defender, easy DFK, I blow up wander over. Suddenly out of nowhere, there's pushing and shoving, handbags is the colloquialism I believe, I was in there quickly blasting the whistle, not before an away player - not even the one who was fouled - boots one of the opposing players, and I mean really whacks him.

Further pushing continues, I grab the offender. Isolate. Back everyone else off. Oddly, he realises what he's done and as calm as anything gives his name, I tell him he's off, he shakes my hand, apologises and calmly walks off. I couldn't believe it...he was calmer than I was?!

Fairly feisty in places after that, four yellows, three for the home team who are continuous complainers. Away team play 115 minutes with 10 men, come back from being a goal down each time (2-2 AET) and then lose on sudden death pens.

Sunday League, you can't say it's dull.

A&H International
Oddly, he realises what he's done and as calm as anything gives his name, I tell him he's off, he shakes my hand, apologises and calmly walks off. I couldn't believe it...he was calmer than I was?!

That is not that uncommon. Players (with a brain) will accept the required punishment and will expect it.

It is the idiots that you need to be aware of.
You can tell its your first season as you failed to produce a result in either normal or extra time thereby reducing your hourly rate extensively............as you have demonstrated, one dismissal is not always enough!
The reaction you got is not a common one.........not unheard of but not common. :)
So, this my being my first season, I yesterday, had the immense pleasure :rolleyes: of showing my ever first red card - bearing in mind I've been reffing about a game a week - sometimes two - since September last year, it's had me thinking if I'm perhaps a bit too lenient...

Do we all remember our first red card? Mine came in my very first game but it was for blatant hand ball on the goal line so an easy decision and no arguments.
Do we all remember our first red card? Mine came in my very first game but it was for blatant hand ball on the goal line so an easy decision and no arguments.

Same first red...first ever game open age cup competition...player for black two footed lunge, legs straight, studs up absolutely no doubt whatsoever intention to hurt other player who thankfully jumped backwards to avoid challenge. Not even an argument straight red bye bye...no nerves about the card nearly took me three days to try and write the report though more nervous about that than actually issuing the card?
Why is it always your first OA?!? Mine too, first OA whites attacking, player get tackled rolls on nicely to teammate. Advantage given, but the whites fail to capitalise. Still no stoppage in play for me to go back and caution the offending blue player, I can see the white player is not too happy and looking for the offender who know has control of the ball and running towards the other end. White player catches up with him, attempts a lunge and fails miserably to laughter from everyone, gets up and howls the blue player to floor! Mass confrontation, end result 3 red cards 2 yellows. Not a beep for the remainder of the game. Oh and had to abandon early as the floodlights failed! Baptism of fire as my mentor said back then! But we live and learn :)
Can't remember my very first, but my first in Essex was DOGSO - quite a long way out, but the attacker had broken the line, had the ball comfortably under control and was tripped by a desperate lunge from the defender well behind him. Attacking team kicked up a bit of a fuss, resulting in a yellow for AA from a defender who had run up to get involved as I don't think they thought I was going to show red, but the red card calmed them down and the defender accepted it with no arguments either.
think my first was U17 for an attempted headbutt. As i walked off for half time, an adult male and female approcahed me to accuse me of having not seen the incident. oh, you'd be mum and dad then ?
Mine was a School semi final (I was only 16 myself) ... Away side 3-1 up, penalty - 60th minute (baring in mind only 40 mins each way)

I give a penalty, purposely tripped an opponent, plenty of players to cover so not DOGSO, just a yellow for the trip - as I show the card he calls me a dickhead, I ask his captain if he he said what I think he said, as the captain goes to say 'no ref, you missed heard' - the player says again 'yeah mate, you're a dickhead, and what?' ... call him back, show him my shiny cherry and off we go again!

got collard by his granddad after the game when waiting for my ol' man to get me, apparently I laughed after sending him off and said to the away captain 'he is an effing so and so' !!!
If memory serves me it was SBO. U13s or 14s. 1 for dissent 1 for AA borederline offinabus - either way he was going. Got the little bugger before he was subbed too as he was about to be.
Open age, Saturday afternoon local league. Nothing throw-in near the halfway line. One player goes to pick up the ball, opposing player shouts at him and then punches him in the back of the neck.

Stunned silence as I had the temerity to send off the club captain and secretary (same player), who was also a qualified referee, for violent conduct.

He wasn't happy.

Don't think I need to labour the point BUT don't grab players, especially those who have just committed VC. They might not realise you are the referee before continuing to deliver some in your direction.
Fourth game, two players come together one of them grabs the other by the throat and then slaps him, the slapped player then punches him so hard he literally knocked him about 5 foot back. I pull out the card and show it to hard puncher first to cries of "Ref are you having a laugh, a yellow card ,seriously??".......oopps, wrong pocket. Eventually two reds shown and we carry on!!
My first was this season. U16. Defender goes to tackle the striker by kicking the ball away from him. Misses. Striker goes down. Before I can blow for a free kick and caution, striker whilst on the floor kicks the defender! Red card for violent conduct