Clattenburg to quit FA referees?


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Anyone seen these stories? Have to wait for more serious news source other than the sun or daily whail but certainly a microcosm of the issues nationwide.
A&H International
Anyone seen these stories? Have to wait for more serious news source other than the sun or daily whail but certainly a microcosm of the issues nationwide.
Hmm. MLS or China. No doubt the bigger money would be China, but the longer play for me would be MLS. I don't think Mark would want to do one, may be two years in China, and the better lifestyle route would be the US (without getting in to a Trump discussion).

Can't say I blame him, although I would love to be a fly on the wall during his PGMOL exit interview...
Good luck to him - anyone at the top of their profession, whatever that profession is, is entitled to do this.
Perhaps not picking the Champions League Referee as your number one choice feels pretty silly now!
I wonder what the disciplinary sanctions are for player / manager misconduct out there...?
Judging by the fact he's on approximately £100k here.....

How much do you think they have offered? And do they want a Level 4 for him to mentor? Have passport....
Best of luck to him. Probably on 2-3 times his after tax salary as PL ref and dealing with half the s*** he used to.
Having watched some of the Saudi teams in Asian Champions League matches there are some big rivalries in Saudi Arabia and they do take it seriously. Not easing into retirement just yet I would think.
On another note, is there anything stopping the PGMOL from recruiting foreign refs? If the the PL has the best players and managers from around the world, why not some of the best refs too?
Best referee we have.....or had.

Gets 1 decision wrong in Arsenal v Hull and gets slated.......then leaves for a mega money job.......
I doubt its just that though.

He's had more than his fair share of rubbish - the ban for his business interests, the travel thing, the racism claim by the Chelsea player, the tatoos. Plus if you read Mr Webb's book, the politics between the top referees sounds pretty fierce as well.
On another note, is there anything stopping the PGMOL from recruiting foreign refs? If the the PL has the best players and managers from around the world, why not some of the best refs too?

Nothing at all stopping them I wouldn't have thought. Since the refs in the Premier League are paid retainers on top of match fees then theoretically they could just do what the Saudis have done with Clattenburg. If I was considered to be one of the top refs in my country and PGMOL came calling, I would be there straight away.
How would this affect his FIFA status?
FIFA contracts are calendar-year based, so unless he resigns from FIFA, he'll still be a FIFA ref. When Attwell got dropped from SG to NG, he started the season as FL ref with a FIFA badge (that obviously changed on Jan 1st and he was no longer FIFA eligible).
Surprised it doesnt happen more often considering how underpaid EPL refs are.
Fair play to him, they've treated him poorly many times
More to the point, who takes over his position for the 2018 World Cup? Nobody else is nominated, so they would need to promote another referee to the FIFA elite list.

I think Oliver is the only referee on the development list.

I know Martin Atkinson is on the list currently, but I think he is too old for Russia.