Pushed - Non-Sanctioned game

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I was meant to be on the line on Sunday for a league game, however that was called off. A mate of mine runs a supporters team, who had a friendly against an ex-league local side (reds), who were a group of mates who partialy knew this supporters team, anyway he was after a ref so I'd do it.
Turned up to the game, and had a bad feeling about it, anyway I got started and I didnt think I was being too well, but the reds clearly disagreed. always in my ear, 2 yellows must've been given inside the first 20 minutes for dissent, and was doing my best to control it. Anyway, around the 23rd minute, I awarded the supporters team a penalty. Reds captain, who conceded the penalty. came running upto me screaming with his arms up, tried my best to calm him down and shown him a yellow. Still wasnt happy! Walked off still abusing me, so I called him back and warned him again. He walked off and continured to call me a 'cheat' and a '**** ref', called him back again, second yellow and a tomato is shown.

I go to take my position for the penalty as he walks off the pitch, I try looking for him to check whether he was gone, but no where to be seen, and thats when he comes behind me and gives me a nice push in the back. Luckily, the reds players were quick to react and get hin away otherwise I quite think it would've been a lot worse! Let the penalty be taken, and that was it. Game over, wasn't having any more of it as i knew it was going to get worse, and the player was still hanging around, giving me dirty looks when I looked over and still continuing to add how I am a '****' referee.

As I walked off, I was informed he is actually a qualfied coach who had recently been on a temporary ban for abusing referees. Am I in the rights to report him to his county FA with regards to this? Or as it wasn;t a non-sanctioned game, would they not want to know?

Thats the last of non-sancationed games for me i think.
A&H International
You could write to the FA but there is little they can or will do about it as it was, as you say, unsanctioned.

You could report him to the police for assault, though I suspect most players will not have 'seen' it.
I was meant to be on the line on Sunday for a league game, however that was called off. A mate of mine runs a supporters team, who had a friendly against an ex-league local side (reds), who were a group of mates who partialy knew this supporters team, anyway he was after a ref so I'd do it.
Turned up to the game, and had a bad feeling about it, anyway I got started and I didnt think I was being too well, but the reds clearly disagreed. always in my ear, 2 yellows must've been given inside the first 20 minutes for dissent, and was doing my best to control it. Anyway, around the 23rd minute, I awarded the supporters team a penalty. Reds captain, who conceded the penalty. came running upto me screaming with his arms up, tried my best to calm him down and shown him a yellow. Still wasnt happy! Walked off still abusing me, so I called him back and warned him again. He walked off and continured to call me a 'cheat' and a '**** ref', called him back again, second yellow and a tomato is shown.

I go to take my position for the penalty as he walks off the pitch, I try looking for him to check whether he was gone, but no where to be seen, and thats when he comes behind me and gives me a nice push in the back. Luckily, the reds players were quick to react and get hin away otherwise I quite think it would've been a lot worse! Let the penalty be taken, and that was it. Game over, wasn't having any more of it as i knew it was going to get worse, and the player was still hanging around, giving me dirty looks when I looked over and still continuing to add how I am a '****' referee.

As I walked off, I was informed he is actually a qualfied coach who had recently been on a temporary ban for abusing referees. Am I in the rights to report him to his county FA with regards to this? Or as it wasn;t a non-sanctioned game, would they not want to know?

Thats the last of non-sancationed games for me i think.
I have previously posted that i would not referee a game not sanctioned by my F.A. (my F.A. states that referees are not insured in non-sanctioned games) and this just proves the point........ The best course of action would be to contact your disciplinary secretary to see what course of action can/could be taken.
Report him to the County and you might even find yourself charged for officiating an unsanctioned game.

As for the 2nd yellow for calling you a "cheat".......well......errrr.........that word is a straight red every single time, without exception. But as this was an unsanctioned game.....it matters not as no disciplinary sanction can, or will be, levied against the offending player.

There's a reason that certain players only like to play for "fans" or "supporters" teams in unsanctioned leagues.....and that's because they are probably sine die suspended from affiliated football.....probably for assaulting officials or opponents. For many of them it's their only way of still getting to kick their opponents, and occasionally the ball........
There's nothing you can do. When reporting misconduct you can only report it to the sanctioning authority, and if the game is unsanctioned then that simply doesn't exist. And as Padfoot has said, reporting it could land you in hot water as it is a disciplinary offence for a referee to officiate unaffiliated football.

Look on the bright side, all that happened is you were pushed and ended up abandoning the game. Had he decked you and knocked your teeth out (or worse) you'd have no support from your CFA, not covered by their insurance, etc. Don't go anywhere near unaffiliated football ....
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