Player grabbing referee

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and that one idiot might go on to atttack the referee

Yes, he might. So might any of the other players. If we were to abandon games on the basis of what might happen, we'd never finish one.

I would never criticise a referee for abandoning a match in which he or she feels threatened, but that's not what's happened here. OP issued a yellow and was later advised by somebody who wasn't there that he should have abandoned the match. I don't think that's very sound advice on the basis of the available evidence.
A&H International
As a ref who was assaulted early in his career, I totally endorse any referee who abandons a game following such circumstances. As one who didn't I deeply regret playing on thinking I was doing a service to the players. All I did was trivialise it for the refs who followed.

If a player grabs a ref he should walk, I can not think of a single circumstance where such contact is justified.
I was assaulted also, didn't abandon as didn't want to punish the other players, went to the Association hearing, first question, if you were assaulted why didn't you abandon the game? My local ref rep issued a circular after that advising anyone who is touched or threatened game is abandoned end of story!
I agree:

I would never criticise a referee for abandoning a match in which he or she feels threatened

But I'm also not prepared to criticise OP for not abandoning. We weren't there, he was. What he describes does not, in my opinion, constitute assault. it sounds like OP has come to the conclusion that he should have issued a red card, and maybe he's right but I don't think he should be too hard on himself for not getting it right in the heat of the moment.
I think there is a big difference between technical assault, such as grabbing the referee without much force, grabbing his cards, etc, and physical assault where a player hits or attempts to hit the referee (or kick, throw something, etc.).

For the latter I would absolutely advocate abandoning the game, but not necessarily where it is a technical assault and there is little or no danger to the referee.
While this advice might be endorsed by the CFA, parks football is about having a game in a safe environment. If the match is abandoned then at least 22 players and one ref are punished for the actions of one idiot.
Fixed that for you. The offender is punished. His team who failed to control him is punished. 22 people and those associated with the 2 clubs and everyone they tell the tale to, all learn that grabbing a referee is not acceptable.

Don't tell me how to referee parks football. I did 16 years among the mud and bullets. I know parks football and a referee being grabbed is the last thing you want.
Haha ok, and were you always this charming or was that something you had to work on?
You should see me in full flow when my blue eyes twinkle and the ready smile plays across my lips. When that doesn't work I just turn up the volume.
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