Amount of games/down time


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Hi guys, I'm a brand new referee and was interested to see that there are these tournaments abroad where refs can go and officiate. I'd probably like to get at least a year's experience in England before I even consider going abroad but just had a couple of questions about these foreign tournaments.

I appreciate it probably depends by each individual tournament but......

How many games does a ref have to take charge of? Is there a minimum number of games per day that you would officiate etc?

Is there much down time? Is it possible to go sightseeing or for a night out in the local town are are you so busy that you can't really do those sorts of things?

What's the social side like? Do referees socialise much (go for a beer etc)? Or is it taken extremely seriously and that kind of thing is throwned upon?

Cheers in advanmce,

A&H International
Tournaments I've done in this country were pretty full on, not done one abroad. Ill let Dommer or Reffari answer in more depth
How many games does a ref have to take charge of? Is there a minimum number of games per day that you would officiate etc?

Is there much down time? Is it possible to go sightseeing or for a night out in the local town are are you so busy that you can't really do those sorts of things?

What's the social side like? Do referees socialise much (go for a beer etc)? Or is it taken extremely seriously and that kind of thing is throwned upon?

Hi Chaz

I spent a week in Denmark in July 2012 at the Danish football festival.
I did 16 games over 4 days but that was because i picked up many games when people got injured or didn't turn up. I doubt they say you have a minimum number of games more just heres a game, do you want to do it?

In Denmark at worst for me i started at 10am and finished at 7pm again due to me picking up games otherwise i'd have had 1 a day and obviously that would mean a lot of me time.

Socially they get you all together or at least they did in Denmark and you meet people and socially we went around in teams to each others matches or into town.

As you say i did 1 year refereeing before going out but it taught me so much, also near enough everyone spoke english which made it easier.

I would recommend it to everyone to do it at least once but if you can go other referees if you know any or speak with your County and let them know.
Hi Chaz :)

I have done the Norway Cup a couple of times and it is very full on! Typicaly a day starts at about 8:30 am and finish at about 9:00pm (if I remember correctly!). If you are a standby referee then excpect an early wakeup or a late finish!

You can do anthing from 3-5 games a day, more if you pick more up. Theese are a combination of middles and lines, and can also be 7-a-side or 11-a-side. However, if you fancy sight seeing then there is plenty of time over the week and a night out is almost compulsary! As far as being social is conserned, you stay in a room of about 10, so ppretty social! It is taken seriously when it needs to, but generaly quite light hearted.

I would deffinetly recommend it!

Anymore questions, do ask :)
Google tournaments abroad they have a website or pm ben williamson. He will sort you out
I would recommend the Disney cup in Florida personally. kick offs are 8am-2pm so plenty of time afterwards to see sights, accommodation paid for, varying levels of experience of the referees and very good for beginners, with age ranges from U9 to U19s, and it lasts 6 days during the summer Monday-Saturday. There are usually teams from 20 or 30 different countries entered too, so it really is a great chance to see football from different cultures. Most days you will have 3 full length games, usually back-to-back, which is very physically demanding in that heat and humidity.

Pay for games is very good also and may offset a lot of the price of a plane ticket all the way over there. I don't have huge amounts of information on it but there is a great website for it.
Cheers Xman, a few of my pals have been to the Usa cup (I think that's the right one) dunno if this is the same one but they say it's amazing. However I don't think I could afford 600 quid for a flight....
I'm not going this year but for the past two years I've done ilovetour. Basically English uni go to sprain Denmark Italy and play football and you ref
Over there for about 5 days ref for max 2 days