First Assessment


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
Last Sunday i have been assessed by the Scarlet Pimpernel...
Whoever the assessor was, i never got to meet him, neither before of after the game, i only know i have been assessed because an email landed in my email inbox today.
I thought that he/she would at least debrief you after game?
Go figure.
A&H International
Thats bad form. The feedback in the moment that you get is where the value comes from. Ask him in your response why he didn't introduce himself.
This is what I'd do, feel free to agree/castigate:

If the assessment is positive (i.e. a good mark), accept that the assessor hasn't done things properly, read the assessment, take the development points on board, and move on.

If the assessment isn't so positive (i.e. a poor mark), read the assessment, take the development points on board, and then make merry hell about him not following procedure and get it annulled.
This is what I'd do, feel free to agree/castigate:

If the assessment is positive (i.e. a good mark), accept that the assessor hasn't done things properly, read the assessment, take the development points on board, and move on.

If the assessment isn't so positive (i.e. a poor mark), read the assessment, take the development points on board, and then make merry hell about him not following procedure and get it annulled.
Feeling free...

You won't get an observer's report annulled because he didn't follow procedure especially for a 7-->6 report. You will only get a report rescinded if the mark is significantly different from that suggested by the comments OR the observer has made an obvious error in law. There is no mark on a 7-->6 report.
@Brian Hamilton
No the decision to take a break came from feeling fed up week after week of the shenanigans from players/manager.
Been called all sorts i filed red cards and misconducts and nothing change.
And guess what CFA discipline dept had the nerve to say...
I am "allegedly" filing too many misconducts...
So while in my local league they are short of referee, now they will have one less.
As for the report, it was very detailed, saying that i had a good first half.
But in second half my standards slipped etc etc, and suggests point to improve.
Well i have to say that in second half i was getting bored of giving free kicks for one team, as the other didnt seem they wanted to play football.
And then they were even moaning about... two teams here ref...
Those numbers don't look too high, maybe more reds this season than you'd normally expect, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Those numbers remind me of my numbers 8-10 years ago doing Saturday & Sundays, High red count maybe but you can only react to whats in front of you! After a while they got used to my unique style and tolerance requirements and they behaved far better. I eventually dropped Sundays and the card count, especially reds dropped markedly..
Thats bad form. The feedback in the moment that you get is where the value comes from. Ask him in your response why he didn't introduce himself.

For future info, all correspondence from the referee should go though the Assessor coordinator. Contacting the observer directly can be an issue, especially in this situation.