The Ref Stop

Observer Resources


Referee, Observer, Mentor, Player
Level 5 Referee
As observers, what do you guys use when watching a game? I've seen some guys using just plain paper, others using grids, ticksheets etc.

Just looking for some useful documents
The Ref Stop
I've attached one of the forms that we've been given here in Canada. The idea here is you have a "code", a "time", and three columns for the team teams plus "good or bad" (ie, +/-), then a section to jot a note down.


Just been observed by a chap with an iPad. Benefits are you can't argue, downsides are you can't argue!!
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I'd use my ipad if there was a decent app for it
Electronic devices are OK if you are under cover or it is nice weather. No use whatsoever if you're in the middle of Hackney Marshes during a thunderstorm and gale ..!
I know of a FA CORE coach who uses his iPad for development regularly. As Rusty says though, a parks observer is less likely to be able to use such a device.
I suppose any footage you have to back up development points is a bonus. Not sure I'd be content on standing there with an iPad blocking my face to record the game.
I have always used a notebook in which I draw my own lines to suit.

Quite like Alex's sheet....might try that out. Would love an app for the iPad.......but not very practical in bad weather.....unless I take the gazebo along....hmmmmmm
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Guess who I saw today? :smug: