Levels 5-9


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I can't see the thread if it exists but I thought I'd say the FA have scrapped plans to merge the levels below 4 and find another way to fast track refs
A&H International
Yeah they have. Everyone will be level 5 improving the development of referees as it will be easier to have access to "hard games"
I am under the understanding from my RDO that level 5,6,7,8 are merging to become level 5. You then ave a letter after 5 For youth it is 5Y
I was at a promotions seminar yesterday and it's been confirmed that the decision to merge the levels 7,6,5 has been scrapped.

If they want a way to promote bright young referees then one way may be to find easier ways of double promotions so rather than 40 games maybe they should have 30 games and 5 assesents
What's happened to the rest of the 'National Referee Strategy'? Not the best of starts.
This was never actually part of the strategy it was simply a proposal for discussion. They have clearly discussed it and decided against it, the rest of NRS continues as it was.
Why can't they just do the bloody 2 seasons?
Nothing worse than the L4s that were ref academy mafia and had their promotion assessement matchs hand picked to get them through. Can spot them a mile off. Usually by the fact they haven't started shaving.
I earnt my L5 and would have been p***ed if they scrapped it.
Why can't they just do the bloody 2 seasons?
Nothing worse than the L4s that were ref academy mafia and had their promotion assessment matches hand picked to get them through. Can spot them a mile off. Usually by the fact they haven't started shaving.
I earnt my L5 and would have been p***ed if they scrapped it.

@deusex - don't worry when they get to L4 the Observers spot them before even the match begins. Then it is make notes about lots of things and give them the horrible de-brief. You pick them up on:
  • Match Control - normally they haven't had the difficult match and when tested fail;
  • Advantage - too much of it and at the wrong times, because they are told to always apply advantage regardless of its effects on MC
  • Positioning - they are normally super fit and think by running everywhere that is good. But bad positioning cannot be saved by lots of sprinting. As Observer, too much sprinting shows somebody not reading the game properly. At L4 they are fitter than the players, next level up no longer able to hide this weakness
  • Teamwork - normally worked with willing volunteers. Now at supply league, referees are either new 16/17 year old starting into adult football or older referees "press ganged" into doing lines, so testing their management skills.
  • Application of Law - the number of these would cannot deal with dissent properly is amazing. Either too firm and cautioning all match or letting everything go and no cautions (so they think they can get good club marks).
First couple of assessments shows that they are no longer the "stars" of refereeing, getting around 70.....rather than the 73/74 which a more experienced referees would get.
@deusex - don't worry when they get to L4 the Observers spot them before even the match begins. Then it is make notes about lots of things and give them the horrible de-brief. You pick them up on:
  • Match Control - normally they haven't had the difficult match and when tested fail;
  • Advantage - too much of it and at the wrong times, because they are told to always apply advantage regardless of its effects on MC
  • Positioning - they are normally super fit and think by running everywhere that is good. But bad positioning cannot be saved by lots of sprinting. As Observer, too much sprinting shows somebody not reading the game properly. At L4 they are fitter than the players, next level up no longer able to hide this weakness
  • Teamwork - normally worked with willing volunteers. Now at supply league, referees are either new 16/17 year old starting into adult football or older referees "press ganged" into doing lines, so testing their management skills.
  • Application of Law - the number of these would cannot deal with dissent properly is amazing. Either too firm and cautioning all match or letting everything go and no cautions (so they think they can get good club marks).
First couple of assessments shows that they are no longer the "stars" of refereeing, getting around 70.....rather than the 73/74 which a more experienced referees would get.

Agree with the majority of that, except your last bullet point........as long as it is "dissent" you cannot be too firm on it!
As I understand it 7-5 will go in the new promotion scheme. However, it seems that counties can identify promising 7-6 candidates in January and promote then to L6 then rather than wait until the end of February. Why I have absolutely no idea, as surely they will still be L6 by the end of February just the same as those who are promoted from 7-6 at that time ..?!