Referee organisers


New Member
Just been looking at the refs world organiser, anyone got it - whats it like? Anyone recommend any other organisers?
A&H International
Fantastic piece of kit, well worth the investment, especially when you have 6 sets of cards, a bunch of match wallet and every coloured fox 40 ever made like me!
yes i do have one and i'd recommend it.... surprised at how much stuff you can get in there tbh
ive also got a small tupperware (there are other products available :) ) box in the boot of my car with cards/whistle/pad/pencil/coin in ... you know, just in case.
the bag i take to matches is a running bag... it has more internal pockets than a regular football or other general purpose sports bags, so i can seperate my pump/pressure gauge, handbooks, boots, theres a carabina clip in there to hang spare whistles on, and pockets for cards/ pads etc
I have one, love it. Everyone that sees it asks me where i got it from? Even one of the PGMOL guys that saw it said, how good is that, where is that from? Made me laugh actually as i then pictured him turning up at Old Trafford and whipping his ice cream tub out with all his stuff in.
I might be a bit bias to comment on this one :)

In all seriousness though, i love mine, havent upgraded mine to the mkII yet, so when i do, there may be a mkI appearing in the classifieds :)
I'm looking for an organiser, what would you recommend? I hope you don't mind sharing the links to the retailers.
The refs world ones a very good value for money. But I like the Adidas ones better (I have one). Its compartments and size make it easier organisation wise. And they look better. Not sure about value for money as they are more than twice the price.


The refs world ones a very good value for money. But I like the Adidas ones better (I have one). Its compartments and size make it easier organisation wise. And they look better. Not sure about value for money as they are more than twice the price.


Do you pack your kit including boots & accessories in this organiser?

The ref world organiser seems like it'll fit easily in my back pack next to my kit & boots.
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The refs world ones a very good value for money. But I like the Adidas ones better (I have one). Its compartments and size make it easier organisation wise. And they look better. Not sure about value for money as they are more than twice the price.



Brought this one after my refsworld zip busted

Being using it for a few season and it's great