Blisters from crabbing

joe cunningham

Well-Known Member
has anybody got any tips to help prevent getting blisters on the balls of your feet from crabbing on the line? They're a killer!! :poop:
A&H International
I've not yet tried it, but I've either read on here or on another forum that wearing cotton socks under your refereeing socks can help - might be worth a go? Either that or try to put some zinc oxide tape on the points of your foot that you find are the most prone to getting sore/blisters - works when wearing walking boots, etc. so can't see any reason why it shouldn't work with football boots!
I've not yet tried it, but I've either read on here or on another forum that wearing cotton socks under your refereeing socks can help - might be worth a go? Either that or try to put some zinc oxide tape on the points of your foot that you find are the most prone to getting sore/blisters - works when wearing walking boots, etc. so can't see any reason why it shouldn't work with football boots!
I have some zinc oxide tape nocking around. Will dig it out for Tomoz. Cheers for the answer!
I've always found using a bit of Vaseline on the areas that blisters appear on works wonders. Always got a tub in my kitbag
Slightly off topic, but I remember being AR for a ref who I had just met that game. During his prematch chat in the changing room he said something like "right lads, I do prematch warm up a bit different from other refs...." as he takes a huge (and I mean huge) jar of vaseline out of his kit bag. :wow::bite::moon::cry:

I imagine the look on my face (and the other AR) was priceless...

Just to end this story with a happy ending (not that kind of happy ending!), the warm up did not involve the vaseline!!!!! :D
I suffer badly with blistering. I have found some nike socks specifically labelled as anti blister. £10 2 pairs sports direct and i swear by them now. Sometimes i feel like my feet have blistered but after the game, i check, and no blisters. Like magic.
I suffer badly with blistering. I have found some nike socks specifically labelled as anti blister. £10 2 pairs sports direct and i swear by them now. Sometimes i feel like my feet have blistered but after the game, i check, and no blisters. Like magic.

Is it these ones? If so might have to buy a few pairs


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Best solutions I came up with - 2 pairs of socks. The rubbing of the socks means you feet don't get the same level of movement.

Then surgical tape if required on the usual areas,
I've not yet tried it, but I've either read on here or on another forum that wearing cotton socks under your refereeing socks can help - might be worth a go? Either that or try to put some zinc oxide tape on the points of your foot that you find are the most prone to getting sore/blisters - works when wearing walking boots, etc. so can't see any reason why it shouldn't work with football boots!

That's the way to go, Its what I do and blisters not a problem.
Used the Nike ones @James Long suggested at the weekend and not a blister in sight? Like @Mick Begley i suffered bad with them and have tried numerous things but these are quality!

Glad I could help - turns out not fool proof, Decided to go with metal studs this Saturday. The pitch had been spiked and did indeed feel a tad soft under foot in the area I was warming up. Turns out I'd warmed up in the shade and the sun had completely dried out the rest of the pitch (something I failed to spot during pitch inspection & Sprints) so my feet must have rubbed more than normal in the studded boots, and got a cracking blister that is agony today. Did switch to moulds at half time but the damage was done. Moral of the story is that boot choice is as equally important.