Junior/Youth 2 games today.


Everyone's Favourite Member
Welp, it's 12:20am so I should probably get some sleep so I am ready anyway, but what the heck.

Got two games tomorrow, one U14 at 9:30am then an U13 at 12:30pm. Last time I reffed this U14 team I had a player come up to me after almost in tears, saying a striker from opposition had been calling him a "c*nt" all match. Unfortunately, I hadn't heard anything so couldn't take any action upon this, even though I had no doubt in my mind the player was telling the truth - He was a great player, his team lost and he played well, he had no reason to lie.

They are sitting third from bottom in their league (it's very competitive) and they are playing table-toppers. I've reffed those earlier in the season and they're very grown up and physical too. They look a lot older and I'm sure they'll trounce the lads but am slightly worried about the physical side of things. My card count is high enough already seeing as I only ref junior games atm - Don't want to be adding anything to the increasing pile!

U13 game should be relatively simple. Home team are top of table, haven't lost a game, scored 175 goals in 14 games, including a 27-0 win over one team. Not worried about that in the slightest, although i always travel with an open mind. :p
A&H International
If something warrants a card then card them! Who cares how many you have handed out this year.

Of course and I wouldn't let people get away with things - Just seems weird that other referees at my level have done more games and not handed out a single card yet.
Games weren't too bad... 25 goals between the two, three penalties and four yellow cards... Was hoping not to have to use the cards today but had to in the end... And 3 of the yellows probably would've been reds on another day... Two blatant DOGSO's and a dissent which could've easily been interpreted as a OFFINABUS. Well played. :D

Got a U12 game tomorrow too. Hopefully won't be as bad.
If they warrant a red card surely a red should be shown??

I missed the section in the LOTG that says U13/14 should be judged differently?
I can't believe any of you aren't more lenient with children than you are adults? Especially when it's stuff like DOGSO... Would you really send a player off for DOGSO, if it didn't really affect the game? I understand it'd be tough not to if it was a tight game (0-0, 1-0), etc, but when the player being sent off isn't really going to affect the result and they're that young, you wouldn't be a bit more lenient?

If I applied the rules to the LETTER OF THE LAW every weekend I'd be sending a player off every match and not a single player would walk off the pitch without a yellow card.
At the end of the day LOTG are there for everyone, but IMO as the referee i decide if a tackle is careless or reckless, at the lower age normally U14 and below nearly every foul is careless, so very rare a caution. I do however feel at the U14 and below if there is going to be a card it would be red for DOGSO of VC.

I remember about 10 years ago refereeing an U13's match and a sub came on and within 30 seconds he got megged and just punched the opponent in the face. It was a very easy red card, as he trudged off the pitch he threw his shirt on the floor and shouted at his manger "you said i could play the rest of the match" to which the manager replied " well dont get sent off and you could of"
I can't believe any of you aren't more lenient with children than you are adults? Especially when it's stuff like DOGSO... Would you really send a player off for DOGSO, if it didn't really affect the game? I understand it'd be tough not to if it was a tight game (0-0, 1-0), etc, but when the player being sent off isn't really going to affect the result and they're that young, you wouldn't be a bit more lenient?

If I applied the rules to the LETTER OF THE LAW every weekend I'd be sending a player off every match and not a single player would walk off the pitch without a yellow card.

I sent a 12 yr old off at the start of the season for DOGSO when his team were 4-0 up. I'm sorry but if you aren't consistent you won't reach any decent level
I think at any age the parents will want you to enforce the laws with regard DOGSO, plus its a learning curve for the player after all thats the point of youth football. I dont think you will get criticised too much for enforcing Red card offences that must be enforced i.e DOGSO, VC SFP, however you stand to be criticised if you dish out yellow cards like confetetti. I have know referees get letters from the county FA saying they have issued too many yellow cards in youth football. I am not saying never issue a yellow card, but I have only ever issued 5 yellow cards in youth football in 15 years of refereeing and 3 of them were U16 level. However Reds are at 15 in youth football.

Being consistent is very important and will define you as a referee, i have many a time arrived at a ground and someone will say "oh god we got him again lads, you know what we can and cant do".
My advice is youth football is a great way to get into refereeing but when you are old enough to move onto an adult league you will have to deal with a lot of dissent all over again, as they will "test" you, and see how far they can push you and get away with things, thats why its important to have a mentor who can support you and give you advice. Remember you can only progress through the levels on adult football.
I agree with everything you have said mate, all really good points. At the end of the day you're the referee and I think that if you think something warrants a YC then it should be a YC cause IMO that is a great learning curve at that age. I think finding your level of tolerance for dissent defines a lot of the stuff you will give YCs out for. Like I don't mind the odd '**** off man' if it's just passing but if it's 'Ref man you f'in tosser' that's a red for me all day. Also cheat and c*nt are again reds I don't care if I'm doing a premier league middle (obviously I probably won't ever be) but for me being called a cheat is a red.
I think at any age the parents will want you to enforce the laws with regard DOGSO, plus its a learning curve for the player after all thats the point of youth football. I dont think you will get criticised too much for enforcing Red card offences that must be enforced i.e DOGSO, VC SFP, however you stand to be criticised if you dish out yellow cards like confetetti. I have know referees get letters from the county FA saying they have issued too many yellow cards in youth football. I am not saying never issue a yellow card, but I have only ever issued 5 yellow cards in youth football in 15 years of refereeing and 3 of them were U16 level. However Reds are at 15 in youth football.

Well, I understand what you mean, but I'm not too worried. This is my first season of refereeing and I will be looking to move onto adult football next season, but quite simply, I wouldn't send a player off and have them incur a stupid fine because of it. If it's SFP, VP or OFFINABUS it's different, but for DOGSO... I'd rather give a stern warning and a yellow card, and usually both managers are understanding of that because they know it could happen at the other end in 2 minutes... For some kids, it's just instinct, especially with the chopping and changing of goalkeepers in youth football.
In my experience mate talking to managers and trying to reason with them it is always going to fall on deaf ears. Even if it is a kid going for the ball 100% and he just gets the player instead, what are you going to do if 5 minutes later if the other team are on the attack and the same thing happens except this time the player only attempts to get the man and stop him from scoring. If you send him off here you will be hung, drawn and quartered for being inconsistent and believe me that's one thing teams want, but what choice do you have other than sending him off? Having a stern word with him will make you look so weak. IMO what better way to show them not to act like this in the future than sending him off. A bit of advice too, not trying to be patronising, but if you're going to make the step up to OA football then you will need to be strong and believe me strong words would never work in a situation like this in adult football.
I know we have had similar threads before, but I do believe in 'age-appropriate' refereeing - although there are certain RC offences that are RC at any age.