
joe cunningham

Well-Known Member
So I've been Reffing for a year today and I'm still a level 8. I turn 16 in September so I'll automatically go to a level 7 right?

If this is the case, when can I apply for promotion to level 6?
A&H International
Correct - it's the easiest promotion you'll get!

Generally you have to complete at least 20 games (18+ and over age) before you can apply for promotion. As long as you do adult football for this coming season, you should be fine. Speak to your RDO in January of 2017 and register you interest to go for promotion for the 2017/18 marking season (March 2017 - February 2018).
Correct - it's the easiest promotion you'll get!

Generally you have to complete at least 20 games (18+ and over age) before you can apply for promotion. As long as you do adult football for this coming season, you should be fine. Speak to your RDO in January of 2017 and register you interest to go for promotion for the 2017/18 marking season (March 2017 - February 2018).
Thanks for the reply. Can the 20 games be on the line or do they all have to be in the middle?
Ok thanks how do you prove that you've done these games ?
Depending on the process operated by your County you will probably have to advise a local coordinator of your games up to 6 weeks in advance. They will allocate an observer who will contact you and come along to watch your game and prepare a report which confirms you are ready for the next level (or not ready and need more development). Meanwhile you may have some other form, either on paper or online on which you record your matches and you have to submit that monthly, quarterly or at certain stages during the season.
Depending on the process operated by your County you will probably have to advise a local coordinator of your games up to 6 weeks in advance. They will allocate an observer who will contact you and come along to watch your game and prepare a report which confirms you are ready for the next level (or not ready and need more development). Meanwhile you may have some other form, either on paper or online on which you record your matches and you have to submit that monthly, quarterly or at certain stages during the season.
Thanks Brian
So I've been Reffing for a year today and I'm still a level 8. I turn 16 in September so I'll automatically go to a level 7 right?

If this is the case, when can I apply for promotion to level 6?

Chances are by the time you are eligible to apply for promotion you will already be level 5. If the FA plans go through all level 6s and 7s will be reclassified as level 5 at the start of the 2017/18 season.
I thought you had to be Level X on 1st March to be eligible for promotion to the next level. In other words, the OP couldn't apply for L6 at this time???