Oh how I've (not) missed youth football!

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Steve C

The Unfit one!
U12 round robin tournament yesterday. Reds vs blues and blues are winning 1-0, very tight game. Lots of chit chat and 'hows that a foul' mainly from blues as reds were turning the screw on their attacks. Freekick right on the edge for a blatent late challenge to which most of the blues argued with to (mainly keeper) couldve yellowed a few but nah, last 45s in a friendly lets not. Gets smashed into the roof of the net, i get the book out to note the goal and in the top of my peripheral vision i see the GK kicking the ball out to the half way for restart and as he's mid swing i turn to start walking up there and i get hit with the ball to the back of the head, i turn back around to say becareful as im 6ft2 so not a hard target to hit and hes there laughing and celebrating with arm pumps. Trotted over, his celebrations still going wild, tried talking to him to explain what I was going to do, wasnt listening, just laughing over me, so skipped the talking part, pulled out the red, the smile dissappeared, the laughing turned to 'oh what for', violent conduct sunshine. Cue parents 'oh come on in a friendly round robin? F***ing jobsworth, f*** sake ref'. The keeper protesting 'but I...' 'it wasnt meant' 'it hit another player first'. I just told him to leave the pitch until he did. Still 20s on clock which blues wasted by moaning so as they were about to put the ball down to kick off, the watch bleeped and game over.

Deary me :/
A&H International
If he'd have been apologetic from the outset, would you have kept the card in the pocket? Out of interest, how early in the tournament was this game, and what were the tournie rules around reds - dismissal from the game, or from the tournament? One of the reasons I like the blue card in tournaments - two minute sin bin: a lot more effective than a yellow as it "hurts" the offending team, without the repercussions of straight red (although never afraid to use a red when required).
If he hadnt have celebrated id have chalked it down to an accident as it does happen from time to time. No ban as it was second to last game and it was a friendly tournament. Rules were just LOTG.
Full credit to you then. Don't you just love the way the parents/coaches belittle the ref, rather than getting the player in order. Out of interest, did the player come to you after the game to apologise? If he'd been my player that's what I'd have done.
You just learned a valuable lesson; After a goal, dont turn your back on the keeper or note the goal until the keeper has kicked the ball passed you. :)

As for the red card, as you haven't seen the kick and known that he intended to hit you, it was perhaps a touch harsh. Non competitive game, laughing it off might have been a better approach. But then again, you were there. Perhaps it's easier to be lenient from a description on a forum than when you have been hit by the ball by a cheeky whippersnapper.
11 yr old kid laughing when authority figure gets hit in the head by a ball.....wow, what a surprise!

How far away from the GK were you?
Sounds like you got that right to me - I wouldn't penalise an accident, but as he was celebrating, it's hard to argue that it's anything other than deliberate and therefore VC.

I had a match last season where I was walking up to a warming up team to do pre-match check etc, a player tried to hit a volley at the GK, sliced it awfully and sent it straight at me. The player's face was a picture, he clearly thought I was about to dismiss him before the match had even kicked off! But as it was clearly an accident and he was very apologetic, I just laughed it off and got on with the match.
You can't claim that as violent conduct.
The fact that the bell end laughed and enjoyed the fact that you got hit is a reason to issue a yellow for potentially a couple of reasons but a red? No way. (Sorry)!!
I'm no expert in these matters, but based on what you've posted mate, I'm guessing that in a normal match, the lad would have every right to appeal and more than likely have his appeal upheld. ;) :)
You can't claim that as violent conduct.
The fact that the bell end laughed and enjoyed the fact that you got hit is a reason to issue a yellow for potentially a couple of reasons but a red? No way. (Sorry)!!
I'm no expert in these matters, but based on what you've posted mate, I'm guessing that in a normal match, the lad would have every right to appeal and more than likely have his appeal upheld. ;) :)

Unless of course, you as the referee decided that he had deliberately kicked the ball at you.....in which case it is violent conduct......good luck with that appeal.
You just learned a valuable lesson; After a goal, dont turn your back on the keeper or note the goal until the keeper has kicked the ball passed you. :)

As for the red card, as you haven't seen the kick and known that he intended to hit you, it was perhaps a touch harsh. Non competitive game, laughing it off might have been a better approach. But then again, you were there. Perhaps it's easier to be lenient from a description on a forum than when you have been hit by the ball by a cheeky whippersnapper.

I know the lad from reffing him before and he gives zero respect to match officials so I was willing to let a few appeals go but this went over the top for me. As for the lesson, that split second made all the difference ;)

How far away from the GK were you?

8-10 yards ish? Maybe less? No more than 10 though
So, without seeing what he did, you've accused him of assaulting you?
You're walking up in an area where the ball is reasonably likely to land - does the fact that he was happy the ball struck you mean that it was a deliberate action?
Absolutely not! People at all ages tend to find it hilarious when the referee gets struck in the head. I don't see how a red card for VC simply because he thought it was funny that you got hit in the head is justified.
By all means, book him straight away for the dissent he clearly showed, and again if he continues to show it....but if your entire argument of 'he meant to hit you' is based on 'he found it funny that the ball hit you' then you're on very, very shaky ground.

By your own admission, you were happy to talk to him until he laughed as you were talking. I think you really need to give that point some very serious consideration.

If the keeper is correct that it bounced off another player then there's absolutely no way this was assault - and if that's the case then you've just made a horrendously wrong accusation.

From your post I would ask you to consider, as a coaching point, whether there's a chance you may have been too lenient on the dissent earlier in the game. Many referees make the mistake of leniency on players around this age - some of them are raised to be appalling players on the field and need a firm hand, because they're taught to have no respect for referee otherwise.
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What I do even though I agree with your decision impecibaley is go with the happy people wait for them to finish celebrating then go with them it helps
Well the other issue is that a goal being scored is a big potential flash point. Attackers are walking past defenders and having a smart word, players are trying to grab the ball from each other.....you don't want to turn your back on a mass of players walking out. The most violent brawl I've ever had was in an U/18 match, started this way - and yep, I missed how it started.

Of course, your AR who isn't writing is scanning this area too....if he's doing his job, as is the 4th :)
Love all this extra staff helping stuff, never had an official helper once and if you do it well enough you don't blooming need them! Keep them scared that you're in charge, if they seriously misbehave don't do idle threats, get rid of them... It soon stops!
never had an official helper once and if you do it well enough you don't blooming need them!
What a load of bull! There is no possible way for a single referee to spot absolutely everything that happens throughout a game. You might get lucky and guess correctly, or get lucky and the only thing you miss in one particular game is a throw-in or gk/corner decision, but to say you don't need them is completely wrong. The best refs in the world now have 5 blokes helping them...do they not do their job well enough?!
you also saw it from Sheffield with a nice TV, and complete different angle from the referee ...

don't need any help? ppffftttttt please, bore me later.
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