Casio RFT-100

Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
Not so sure what the fuss is over this watch?

bought one a little while back, used it once, sold it again (at a profit may I add)

I'm not sure if its because I'm not exactly a scrawny chap, not just a larger than normal stomach but all around a generally big lad, and such I don't really like small watches, prefer bigger, thicker heavier watches

bit its face is so small too, for the price it is so expensive for what, in my opinion, the optima from A&H does so much better!

anybody else not a fan of the RFT-100, or am I standing alone on this one?
A&H International
For me, amongst its other features, I like its countdown then vibrate at zero (plus it then starts counting up). The fact that players can't hear it is great. OK, its very rare that the buzzer goes off and I'm not expecting it (usually having gone "**** me, how much longer have I got in this half" in my head a few times), but it does mean that you can concentrate on the current play without keep checking your watch as you get close to time.
I absolutely love mine, so much so, i have 2 of them. The vibrate function is worth its weight in gold