Do you ever laugh in a game


New Member
I try not to as it's unprofessional but when the striker is through on goal with no keeper and kicks his standing leg, it's very hard to keep a straight face.
A&H International
Laughing is a great tool. Obviously, you have to be careful, not to offend anyone - e.g when someone is generally upset with missing a clear opportunity.

Laughing and smiling with players show that you're having fun, you're calm and that your enjoying things. Being a miserable guts, helps no-one!
i always have a smile on my face other than when im dealing with someone
I laugh my way through every game. Player's annoy me, I make a crap joke or take the piss out of them. Calms then down and confuses them!
Absolutely agree both with Dan and Reffariii. If something is funny, you laugh. You're bloody human.
I like a good laugh during the game. Same as mentioned above the odd crap joke and bit of banter can settle players down if timed correctly.

A couple off weeks ago a burly defender goes charging into the back of an opponent whilst the ball is in the air sending far smaller attacker sprawling. I blow the whistle so he kicks the ball away in anger and shouts "since when is pushing someone a free kick?" The entire crowd and players erupt in laughter. Player skulks over for his caution whilst I am doubled over laughing! "I didn't mean to say push, that was a slip of the tongue ref..." :D
if im enjoying my game ill smile and try laugh with players and mangers alike if I have a funny moment like I had in my second match at the weekend I fell over by running backwards and a player was laughing with me and even gave me under arm high 5 so I felt embarrassed but laughing helps and adds to the fun
Seen too many referees get into hot water whilst trying to have a laugh during a game. They didn't pick the right time to use it and got grief.

Saying that, it can be a great tool when used at the appropriate times.