Vardy's dive

A&H International
The biggest disappointment about the whole Vardy thing (if I was English, which I am not :D ) - is that he is supposed to be an international footballer and certainly has been one of the best players in the premier league this season and a great hope for the Euros. However, the lack of footballing intelligence he showed getting a second caution and then his deplorable "sunday league" reaction to the referee would be very worrying to me. Would be.

Of course, being Welsh I am of course hoping the witless idiot gets himself sent off and blows the wheels off Englands Euro dreams. But that is just me hoping (although I imagine that is also the hope of all the football supporters of the other home nations also :D)
I actually think this video is a great training point.
One broadly misunderstood aspect of law, by players and referees alike, is the charge from behind. Many people think that if a player was flattened from behind, it must be a foul. But this isn't so.
Let's pretend this wasn't a dive. You have a defender who is running alongside the attacker and not moving towards him, about a yard off. The attacker then steps into him and is the one who causes the contact.
How can you possibly make the argument that the defender has acted carelessly in regards to the collision?
In many cases, if the attacker steps just in front of the defender in a manner in which the defender has no opportunity to avoid the contact, a foul should not be called.
Though in this case, given Vardy's legs tripped up the defender, if it's not a dive it's still a foul against Vardy.
I don't know how anyone can justify that the penalty incident where Huth was fouled wasn't a penalty but then in the same breath can say that West Ham's penalty was correct?

Schlupp's was also not a penalty, imo.

I thought Moss was so inconsistent within the 90 minutes that it was embarrassing - it's rare that both sets of players and fans have such a strong dislike/bemusement of the official after 90 minutes.
Just done exactly the same in the England v turkey game, given as a pen, all pundits agreeing it's a dive
I don't think this one was as blatant or actually a dive (maybe exaggerated movement).. At full speed and without replays I think i'd be giving that... However, there was equally a blatant push at the other end too.
It's an interesting one, player gets in front of opponent, slows down quickly, opponent bumps player, players falls over. Happens all the time, especially with defenders shielding the ball near the corner flag.
Another almost identical dive for England but I'll say this:
Had Rooney done it NOTHING would have been said