You'll never guess who i had as linesman......


Done a Midweek catch up due to bad weather match tonight, gave the club linesman the pre-match pep talk.
After 20 minutes i get a shout from away manager " changing the lino ref!" gives him the nod and we play on.
Then i noticed the "lino" in a tracksuit on although looked very smart (hi-vis on too) running up and down the line keeping up with play this is when i thought bloody hell that's a novelty.
End of game shake away manager's hand and say that linesman looks familiar he says " yeah, its Michael Salisbury the Prem. ref."
Apparently watching a friend play and said he would run the line, after the match i collected the flag from him shook hands and i said "Thanks for that" he didn't say a word.
A&H International
Congrats, I;ve heard that some do things like this, or school games for their kids etc. Proves that they're not all the diva's that they could well be.

But hat did you want him to say - "hmm thanks for that, I'm a PL ref don't you know. I can give you some advice. You see when you have a situation like......" at which point your post would possibly read "had MS n the line and he was full of himself!
Congrats, I;ve heard that some do things like this, or school games for their kids etc. Proves that they're not all the diva's that they could well be.

But hat did you want him to say - "hmm thanks for that, I'm a PL ref don't you know. I can give you some advice. You see when you have a situation like......" at which point your post would possibly read "had MS n the line and he was full of himself!
I didn't want any post match comments or advice, i just treated him like any other CAR just happy he kept up with play, good clear signals.
My son's team have been coached by an ex-pro goalkeeper for the past 18 months, even ran the line for me on one occasion. Unfortunately he has now had to step down due to his increased work commitments as a staff member of a Premier League team.

Shame :( Great guy, very humble about his playing days and my son especially has started to realise his potential thanks to the top notching coaching he received.
I had an ex international goalkeeper watching his son in match I was refereeing.

Miserable *** if I remember correctly.
When changing Lino why did you not go over and give him the same instructions as the first Lino?!
Usually what i do is tell the linesman that if he changes to tell the "new" linesman the points i mentioned (throw-ins/offside, not to run after the ball) usually i keep an eye open for them and so far not been problem.
Usually what i do is tell the linesman that if he changes to tell the "new" linesman the points i mentioned (throw-ins/offside, not to run after the ball) usually i keep an eye open for them and so far not been problem.
Be very careful if you're going for promotion, as you'll be picked up on this and lose marks. At each change of CAR (note, not linesman), you should be informing them of their responsibilities
@DanCohen17 I had exactly that on the weekend ... was a last minute replacement for AR, turned up 10 minutes into the game, change in ultra time ... walked round to AR who was the away gaffa, he asked if I was ready, ball goes out, he flagged for me .. passed flag and shook hands, then ref cam running over - quick brief and away we go ... turns out he was being assessed ... was rather pleased with mine
Be very careful if you're going for promotion, as you'll be picked up on this and lose marks. At each change of CAR (note, not linesman), you should be informing them of their responsibilities
Past my prime for promotion............
it is if that's what you want it to be?

some people if they cant reach for the stars are happy to stay humble and do what they do
I'm quite happy to amble along at the moment, i'm 61 this year creaking at the joints,but keeping myself fit ,and there's absolutely no way i'd get past me fizzicals..:p
Still wouldn't be the oldest official I've been out with by about 9 years! Plenty of life in your refereeing yet!