The Ref Stop

Referee Microphones


Well-Known Member
This probably applies to Level 4 referees and upwards, however have you ever been microphoned up in order you can talk to your assistants, if so did you enjoy it and realistically what level does this begin at?

I was just intrigued as would love to give it go, hopefully can get a decent pre season game via my RA where they are used
The Ref Stop
To flip the question on it's head - how often have people had trouble communicating with NAR's using the flags, hand/body gestures and eye contact? How often do you need the referee to come over and talk to you to clarify/discuss an incident?
Have started seeing more officials miked up in the National league this season, which means 2s and 3s.

Didn't see it much if at all at that level on previous seasons.
I've only used the comms equipment a couple of times in pre season games when I've been 4th man with a FL referee. You can hear everything the ref says and you can as a team have some quite good banter. On one game I was asked by the home club to oversee a substitution; 10 was coming off and 18 was going on. I duly sorted this on the electronic board, held it above my head and a voice in my ear shouted "who the f***'s number 81?". I quickly put the board down red faced. Later, one of my sons showed me a photo on his phone and I had in fact put 10 and 18. Bloody football league refs!
I know a local referee who has a set although he's never gone beyond Level 5 (not sure if he's even Level 5). They're not allowed to be used below a certain level. You won't see them on the supply leagues or the contributory leagues. Panel leagues is the lowest you'll see them I imagine.

The local referee that I know that has them isn't allowed to use them for the games he has with NAR's although I do believe he's used them on a county cup final with permission. I'm also aware of a PGMOL official using them at a junior level when doing a development game (development for the officials and players).
I know a guy that uses them and quite often sings songs to his assistants. He even does requests :p
love it i remember when the buzzer flags were new one of the guys put his arm thingy on went to check the teams but left the flags in the refs dressing room with the other 3 of us, mistake lol
Premier League, Football League & National League Premier all use comms kits. Below that, it is allowed to be used in certain games with FA's permission (FA WSL, FA Youth Cup etc) but specifically isn't allowed in normal Contrib & Supply (or lower). It's a similar argument to when buzzers came in and I feel it will be allowed lower down in the not too distant future
I heard a story about a FL ref a few weeks ago (apologies: can't remember who!) who apparently during the pre-match sternly tells assistants and 4th 'I want law and law only on the coms kit, unless something has been missed. And no talking out loud to yourself at all'.

Sounds like a barrel of laughs :eek:
I heard a story about a FL ref a few weeks ago (apologies: can't remember who!) who apparently during the pre-match sternly tells assistants and 4th 'I want law and law only on the coms kit, unless something has been missed. And no talking out loud to yourself at all'.

Sounds like a barrel of laughs :eek:

So the ARs must remain completely silent, not communicating to the players etc. unless reading extracts from the magic book :confused:
So the ARs must remain completely silent, not communicating to the players etc. unless reading extracts from the magic book :confused:

Apparently so.

When I'm on the line I tend to talk to myself very quietly a lot 'he's off, he's off, he's on' etc if I think a decision may be coming my way but that would be an absolute no-no.
I've had them on Supply League, buzzers that is. In respect of microphones, who funds this? The FA?
I've seen electronic flags used below supply league. If a referee has them and they have a lower than supply league game with neutral assistants then they're going to get used. Cup semi-finals/finals, contrib U19's leagues etc.
I know a local referee who has a set although he's never gone beyond Level 5 (not sure if he's even Level 5). They're not allowed to be used below a certain level. You won't see them on the supply leagues or the contributory leagues. Panel leagues is the lowest you'll see them I imagine.

The local referee that I know that has them isn't allowed to use them for the games he has with NAR's although I do believe he's used them on a county cup final with permission. I'm also aware of a PGMOL official using them at a junior level when doing a development game (development for the officials and players).
His is Level 5, he did use them on the County Final and he's been given the hard word on more than one occasion for wearing non-black shirts.