Nearly a penalty but if so, what else

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
On Saturday, I took was one of the refs in the Girls county cup final for Dorset. My first game of the day was U13’s (Blue vs Orange). Was a great game and a real pleasure to referee. It was one of the most physical games I have ever been involved with but was nearly all fair. About midway through the second half an incident nearly occurred. Blue 10 got the ball, onside, on the halfway line and ran down the pitch. She was chased by an orange defender (5), she had another player supporting her and there were a couple of others on the other side of the pitch. As blue 10 went into the penalty area the goalkeeper came out. I saw what potentially could occur so I moved further inside the area than I would normally do. The goalkeeper dived at the player’s feet and pushed the ball away for a corner. However, if she had missed and taken down the player it would have been a penalty. Would a yellow or red card had been needed or would a penalty had been fine on its own? I had moved into a position where I was confident in seeing everything that I needed to see and not in the way in case play went into another phase.
A&H International
There's no automatic need for a penalty to be penalised with a red or yellow card so any sanction depends if it was a goal scoring opportunity or if the tackle was reckless / dangerous as to any cards if a foul had been committed.
as @es1 says ... the penalty decision is separate to punishment ...

give the pen, then look at - was it a DOGSO? was it reckless or careless? did she try and go for the ball or just take the player?

may get cases where a pen is fine as it was a 'good' challenge and there was a covering defender
I know that a pen does not have to be followed by a card but was thinking that I have seen red cards given before in similar situations. However it was a tight angle and there were players arriving to defend. What should be the key thing in deciding DOGSO or not
Is it a goal scoring opportunity!
Are there covering defenders?
If it's a keeper foul do the covering defenders matter?
Does the attacker have full control of the ball?
Is the angle of attack tight?
Is the attacker moving away from goal?