The Ref Stop



New Member
Level 7 Referee
Been told for the second assessment in a row that the 'Shrill' of my whistle is not very loud in normal use, only when giving a good blast for a foul deserving of a Y/C or R/C. I am using the Fox 40 Classic.

Just wondering if I have a bad blowing technique (Grow up! haha) or whether there could be a problem with my whistle. I could give it a proper blast every time to make it heard, but I would loose the varying tones I try to use by doing that.

Have any of you guys ever had this pointed out??

And which whistle do you use??
The Ref Stop
go on youtube hary from refsworld does a great tutorial, it is all in the tongue action, watch it practice you will soon improve

Sounds like you're talking about a different 'You' based video streaming site to the one I was thinking of pal....;)

It is very much in the technique. I was out with a L4 ref yesterday who was being assessed, and the assessor picked up on a weak whistle, as I had personally noted to myself before hand.

Was amazed afterwards to find it was the same Fox 40 classic I use every week with 50 times the volume and tone!
Best thing to do, go out onto a large open area with another ref.

Practice blowing the whistle for different things. Have the other ref tell you what he thinks. Have him do the same and you tell him.

In short, practice, practice, practice.
Sounds like you're talking about a different 'You' based video streaming site to the one I was thinking of pal....;)

It is very much in the technique. I was out with a L4 ref yesterday who was being assessed, and the assessor picked up on a weak whistle, as I had personally noted to myself before hand.

Was amazed afterwards to find it was the same Fox 40 classic I use every week with 50 times the volume and tone!
just google youtube
Would say always use a pea-less else you sound like a Rugby ref, or school PE teacher.

All in the tongue - it's as if you are spitting through it. tongue pressed forwards between teeth, put low pressure from the lungs - not from the mouth, using your tongue like a cork, holding it in. Then pull tip of the tongue back and let blow.

Use your lips to hold the whistle, and the tongue / teeth to control the blow. Like los of T T T T T T T T T to get the effect.

Moltan valkeen - love it, and when you really blow, everyone stops!
I use a fox 40 classic when I'm in a good mood. If the players have p****d me off and I feel the game is going in a direction that I don't want it to, I switch to a fox sonic blast. I don't like it personally as it hurts my ears (very high pitched), but after I brief the AR's on my use of the whistles, they then know that I'm getting annoyed and will start blowing for everything to bring the game back down to a tolerable level. I often find the classic to be a little quiet at times.

As the guys have rightfully said above, it's all about technique. Get the correct amount of pressure into the whistle and it will react properly.

The thing I do like about the Sonic is the fact it works either way up. I had to call a ball back this afternoon and as I brought my whistle up to my mouth to give it a few sharp blows, the sound coming out of it was ridiculous. I had it upside down! I just pulled it out of my mouth, looked at it with a death stare and carried on
Would say always use a pea-less else you sound like a Rugby ref, or school PE teacher.

All in the tongue - it's as if you are spitting through it. tongue pressed forwards between teeth, put low pressure from the lungs - not from the mouth, using your tongue like a cork, holding it in. Then pull tip of the tongue back and let blow.

Use your lips to hold the whistle, and the tongue / teeth to control the blow. Like los of T T T T T T T T T to get the effect.

Moltan valkeen - love it, and when you really blow, everyone stops!
is the valkeen as easy to use as the fox 40 when yopu master it
Sonik Blast with finger grip for me. Whistling made easy. The only thing I don't like is hearing the low-decibel whistling noise you get as the air passes through it in your hand whilst you're sprinting. :)
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Sonik Blast with finger grip for me. Whistling made easy. The only thing I don't like is hearing the low-decibel whistling noise you get as the air passes through it in your hand whilst you're sprinting. :)
I noticed that, I just like to think I'm that fast when I run, it's the air telling me to slow down

It's a good whistle and takes minimal effort to produce an ear-offending squeal :)
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Agree with the sonik blast. Minimal effort for a decent sound level. And when it's really blown, turns heads (usually away from you and the horrendously noisy whistle!)
Would say always use a pea-less else you sound like a Rugby ref, or school PE teacher.

All in the tongue - it's as if you are spitting through it. tongue pressed forwards between teeth, put low pressure from the lungs - not from the mouth, using your tongue like a cork, holding it in. Then pull tip of the tongue back and let blow.

Use your lips to hold the whistle, and the tongue / teeth to control the blow. Like los of T T T T T T T T T to get the effect.

Moltan valkeen - love it, and when you really blow, everyone stops!

Just like a pair of football boots aren't worth more than £80, no whistle is worth £40. ;) :)
It was a present - what, am I supposed to leave it in the pack, just admire it and tell the givver " Ta but no ta".
It was a present - what, am I supposed to leave it in the pack, just admire it and tell the givver " Ta but no ta".

Of course not! Don't be daft, that's not what I meant at all. I just pointed out that I wouldn't pay £40+ for a whistle. :)
Would you? (Be honest). ;) :D
Of course not! Don't be daft, that's not what I meant at all. I just pointed out that I wouldn't pay £40+ for a whistle. :)
Would you? (Be honest). ;) :D
Having used one? If i ever needed to buy another whistle then my answer would be yes
I'm with the mod - wouldn't go back to anything else, and if it went walkies I'd be calling on my Japanese freinds to see if one could be sourced (or Germans depending which website you choose).

And if I'd have trialed one, yeah, maybe I would have bought one, or at least added it to my wishlist of thing in life. Don't drink, don't smoke, not got (or want) any kids - so got to have some luxuries is life