flipping coin


RefChat Addict
ok folks just for fun what coin do we use to decide the ko
trusty shiny 2pence
coloured disk
fifa coin lol
A&H International
I use this

I still don't ask. I assign a side of the coin to each team. Easier. Fewer responses that don't make sense in the context of the coin.
Easters coming up... I might use an Easter bunny, an Easter egg or something... Like the ref in Aus done at Xmas when he used a cracker.
I used to use Graham Le Saux or Gary Neville! :) (Special edition 10p from the Euros years ago), but lost them both at various times on the battle field.

Currently use a good old fashioned QE2 10p in the absence of anything better.

One occasion lost my coin shortly before kick off, so went with good old fashioned rock, paper, scissors. Lightened the mood for a few moments before kick off! :D
I recon I'll do a dance off in the next game to the Macarena... Winner picks ends!