Fifa cards

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know were u can get the proper Fifa yellow/red cards ? (Don't say Fifa :p )

I have a set but they are a bit done now
A&H International
Most places ive seen selling them are moody! Mostly fakes imported from China
Do a search on here - there were refs who wrote to FIFA and get sent some cards and a coin if memory serves
Write to Sepp. No doubt he has a few knocking around and has plenty of time on his hands to reply.

If not I'm sure he knows someone who can help you out :D
I got a reply from FIFA, write saying you are starting out as a new ref and do they have anything to help you out

youll get the new LOTG, cards, coin etc
Dear sir/madam,

I am a newly qualified level 8 English referee and I am looking towards working my way up the ranks of refereeing. I would be very grateful if you could please send me some resources that could help improve my game to progress in the future.

My address is as follows: ______________________

Any help you could give me would be massively appreciated.

Many thanks,
Joe Cunningham

creeping a bit but arwell :D;)
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