Benteke Miss vs Leicester


I'm not sure whats worse here, the miss or the fact the assistant referee didn't flag him offside. Terrible decision!

A&H International
He must have just had one of those massive brain farts we've all had.
I dare say the assessment was unflattering.
Notice how NOT ONE of these 100k a week footballers realised Benteke was 3-4 yards offside?
The Liverpool left winger is screaming for the ball whilst 6-7 yards offside!!
And they wonder why we don't listen to them on a Sunday morning.
To some extent understandable. But I think the lesson for all of us when we're running the line is to seriously engage brain when we see a goalkeeper running up towards the opposition box ....
Was watching the highlights on MoTD thinking 'surely I'm not the only who noticed this!?' :eek: Guess the EPL has history for this with the one at Spurs a while back when the attacker was pulled up for being 'offside' in his own half. At the very least it proves even the best get it wrong, at worst...I don't even want to go there :p
Offside Explained hit this one up too...

I'll be honest. I missed the Benteke offside (I thought that he was coming out of his own half as the ball was played, didn't realize he was that far into the opposing half!)... They did call the second offside though!
Wow, bad one. While we can all understand how it happened, it's quite unacceptable at this level. The offside was so bad that I'm actually disappointed the referee didn't pick it up - even without communications he should have spotted it and made his own decision, but with the comms surely he would have asked the question? I seriously have no idea what the purpose of those things are, they don't seem to help decisions at all.

It's very rare that I'd expect the referee to overrule the AR on offside positioning, given he needs to have that trust and he's not looking for it - but I can't believe the referee missed this one as well.

But, for a more constructive discussion, here we have a complete, inarguable offside. If a goal was scored, I'd even like the far AR or 4th official to have a chat to the referee here and let him know what he's seen. It's bad enough to justify that sort of assistance.