Open Age It's been a quiet season so far....


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
...then all hell breaks loose...
all for the same team!!! WGS completed and a full story when I have recovered from the trauma!!
A&H International
I won't go into too much detail, as I am never sure where the line is posting this stuff on social media.
Suffice to say that I do wonder why I bother go through that sort of level of abuse on a Saturday afternoon. Fortunately, I am playing golf next Saturday!!
And clues - KMI or one incident, consistant through the game or what?

Obs leaving out identifyable info, but need some meat on these bones...
Admin, given the recent correspondence from county regarding social media, is it possible to change my username, or will I have to register again under another name??
I have removed my county FA details.
If I can do that, I will post details of last Saturday.
I was promoted to level 6 last March and I have done a couple of games in divisions that I now qualify for. The first one was fine, but I was surprised by the increase in technical ability and speed of the game.
The second was last Saturday. Local 'derby'.
Firstly the game started 15 minutes late as the home team shirts were in the managers's car who had gone off to pick up a couple of players.
I briefed the AR's, both of whome had agreed to do the whole game, no substitutes doing it. Good. However as part of my brief, it became clear that the home AR was not quite the 'full ticket', but I felt that he deserves the benefit of the doubt, especially as there was no-one else to do it.
Game starts, a good evenly contested game; home blue number 10 is giving me a lot of grief, and after one final warning, yellow card (C2).
20th minute, red break away, a bit of ping-pong in the box, I am up by the edge of the penalty area, red score. I look at the AR who is standing there with no flag. "Offside, offside" scream the blue team. AR raises his flag. I go and talk to him and it is clear that he has no idea what has happened. I give a goal as I could see no offside, all hell breaks loose and match control has gone.
27th minute blue 10 knocks a red player to the ground as the red player is running past him. Clear VC and he's off he goes, with a few expleetives that I pass on for the moment (cue Padfoot). He goes to the side of the FOP and I go over and respectfully tell him to leave the vicinity of the FOP. He refuses, but after several "f**k off, ref"'s, I inform him and his manager that I will be submitting a misconduct report as well. He goes off to the changing rooms.
Game gets to half-time with a couple of C1's for the blue team. At the start of the second half, the blue 10 who I had binned has returned to the FOP. I go over and tell him to leave, more "f**k off, ref"'s, and a blue supporter coming the old "it's a public place, ref". I tell the manager that I will abandon in 30 seconds time unless he goes, which he does.
I give two stonewall penalties, the red team accept theirs with good grace, the blue team go mad.
Start of the second half, one more C2 for the blue keeper for chat.
3 more C1's for the blue team, the red team are superbly behaved, keep their discipline and win 5-4.
At the end of the game, blue manager tells me that I spoilt a good game of football!! The final count is 3 x C1, 2 x C2, 1 x S2, 1 x misconduct, all for the same team!! I drive away wondering if all this grief is really worth it and if I am up to doing the next level up. Do all the paperwork ok.
Following morning, I feel much better about it all and looking forward to the next game. I reflect on what I did well, and the best thing was being 'brave' with the cards, and keeping calm. What do I do poorly? Maybe I missed some stuff the red team got away with as the blue manager said that the red team are well known for being 'cynical'.
On to the next game, I suppose, but I don't want too many of these.
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@HoofItYouDonkey - all seems sensible. My only comment is that there should be two misconduct reports against Blue 10. First for the reaction after the dismissal, the second for coming back after half time.

The CFA will definitely call the club and the player in, if you had submitted a second as it was definite intimidation. He and the club would be paying for CFA Xmas party for such a charge.
@HoofItYouDonkey - all seems sensible. My only comment is that there should be two misconduct reports against Blue 10. First for the reaction after the dismissal, the second for coming back after half time.

The CFA will definitely call the club and the player in, if you had submitted a second as it was definite intimidation. He and the club would be paying for CFA Xmas party for such a charge.
It all went on the one misconduct report, but at least it was reported.
I was not aware that you could submit multiple misconduct reports for the same player.
Once every season you have a match where one side (or sometimes both), for whatever reason, have decided today they are going to behave appallingly and it's all the ref's fault. You may have refereed this team before with no problems but today something is off.....
The cautions seem to have no effect at all and they just keep on going and going and going with the dissent and bad tackles.
What can YOU do? You simply have to keep going and going and going with the cards.
I had 10 cautions in a match last season. There was barely a contenscious decision in the match. One team had simply decided they were going to behave appalling (toward their opponents and me) for 90 mins. Fair enough. Cost them plenty to do so.
I'll tell you one thing, bet they didn't treat next week's ref/opponents as bad. My job = DONE
It all went on the one misconduct report, but at least it was reported.
I was not aware that you could submit multiple misconduct reports for the same player.

In my experience the number of reports has never really been an issue. The key is to record the information. I binned a player for VC, then reported him for comments and actions thereafter, and a subsequent incident after the game. All were lumped together under an E1 charge (bringing the game into disrepute).
@HoofItYouDonkey - all seems sensible. My only comment is that there should be two misconduct reports against Blue 10. First for the reaction after the dismissal, the second for coming back after half time.

The CFA will definitely call the club and the player in, if you had submitted a second as it was definite intimidation. He and the club would be paying for CFA Xmas party for such a charge.

Hi Lincs22

It is my understanding that now you can put all the information on one misconduct report and the county will decide how many charges to put against the player from the information you provide.

I did as you said once and the CFA Discipline officer rang me and said just to put it on one report next time. Cuts down the work for you and for him.

Either way there is no harm in doing multiple reports, just not sure if we need to now.