Nerves for first game


Level 6 Referee
hi all

Got my first game ever next Thursday. Any advice. I did the ref course this time last year and got injured so never got to ref any games. Now nervous I've forgotten it all!!

Cheers in advance
A&H International
Few tips

1) read through the LOTG a couple of times between now and the game just to make sure you've got everything you need
2) get to the venue early in good time and make sure you introduce yourself to the teams. Also getting there early means you don't have to rush around getting ready
3) make a list of the kit you need to take out on the field, whistle, cards, pencil etc
4) less is more when you are talking to the teams pre match, keep things polite but short and sweet, the more you try to waffle, the more they will pick up on you being nervous
5) when you make a decision, give good strong signals and exude confidence.
6) enjoy it!
My advice to new referees is ...

Concentrate - This is vital, you have to keep your eye and mind on the game at all times.
Be Decisive - Try and be confident (or look confident) in giving your decisions. Clear hand signals and simple verbal communication like "red ball" or "play on" are perhaps things to bear in mind.
Blow Your Whistle - This might seem obvious and patronising but a good, clear blow on the whistle indictates that you are confident and in charge.

Obviously we don't know the teams involved but it appears to be a low level friendly. There will probably be an expectation from the teams that you are not over officious. Others may disagree with me but I think you will need to strike a fine line between this and applying the LOTG. Don't be too petty but by all means use cards and sanctions if the nature of the game warrants it.

Enjoy yourself, enjoy it and let us know how you get on.
I remember my first game after passing, a cup quarter final. Just be confident in everything you say/do. Make sure your first whistle is nice and loud to create a good impression and most of all, enjoy yourself. Nerves will calm down after a couple of games
I remember my first game after passing, a cup quarter final. Just be confident in everything you say/do. Make sure your first whistle is nice and loud to create a good impression and most of all, enjoy yourself. Nerves will calm down after a couple of games
I still get nervous after 15 years. I like it. It reminds me I'm human, not a robot and aids my concentration.
I still get nervous after 15 years. I like it. It reminds me I'm human, not a robot and aids my concentration.
Yeah, still a few nerves when I walk into the centre to start the match, but once it's going...
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Are you in a local RA where you can get some advice from someone who you can speak to before / after the game?

As well as some of the advice here one thing I would say is during the game, when you've made a decision which may be a mistake. Park it and move on. Don't dwell on anything.

Enjoy and smile :)
I get nerves. In fact I get worried if I don't get nerves!

Anxiety/nerves is simply the body getting excited for the job in hand and the adrenaline boost it provides (the neurotransmitters dumped into your blood stream) is needed to ensure i'm on my game! Anxiety and excitement feel very, very similar. The only real difference is interpretation of the person feeling them. You tell yourself your anxious and interpret it negatively, then it is not fun. Accept it and tell yourself it's excitement and interpret it positively = thanks for the free neurotransmitters brain! Game on!
hi all

Got my first game ever next Thursday. Any advice. I did the ref course this time last year and got injured so never got to ref any games. Now nervous I've forgotten it all!!

Cheers in advance

It says on your profile you are a level 6. Is that typo?
Hi Chris. Some advise that we were told by a ref on our course is . Enjoy it and you will make mistakes but learn from them. And each time take something good from the game and something not so good and work on it and each time it will get better. On Sunday I'll be sending my form in for my 6 games for level 7 and everytime now I feel like I'm getting better and better but always have something I want to work on next time and I guess you never stop learning. Good luck bud and whatever happens keep going.
Smile, Learn the tempo/manner of the game and reflect that in your style, finally trust your instincts - If your instinct is free kick, give a free kick etc. etc.
I still get nervous after 15 years. I like it. It reminds me I'm human, not a robot and aids my concentration.

Ditto, apart from the 15 years bit. If I wasn't nervous I wouldn't be arsed and wouldn't be at my best for sure. Nerves are good.

I would take a lot of what's said above, but my only other advice is remember the very bare minimum to make the game happen, ie kick off on time, remember to start watch, remember whistles etc, and while have a bash at all the peripheries it doesn't matter if you forget another part of the routine.

I mean if you call the captains in for the toss and suddenly remember you haven't checked the nets or corner flags don't worry about it. Just put it to the back of your mind and focus on the game ahead. Just get through the first game and concentrate on the game itself.

Other than that act confident, even if you're :poop::poop:ing yourself. Confidence breeds confidence, so if you act it you'll start to feel it, believe me it's got me out of some tricky situations!

Finally, as others have said, enjoy it. And don't plan anything other than relaxing afterwards - mentally and physically you'll be whacked.