Trivial but interesting


RefChat Addict
An unintended abnormality in the LOTG

Q. When is the only time a field players can legally and deliberately handle the ball while its in play.

A. When a player takes a correct trow-in in an upright position with the back of his heels on the touchline and also the rest of his feet on the FOP. The ball is in play while he is still handling it.
A&H International
"The ball is in play when it enters the field of play"
It can only enter the field of play when the throw in is correctly completed. Therefore it is in play after the player lets go of it.
Again sorry to disappoint :)
An unintended abnormality in the LOTG

Q. When is the only time a field players can legally and deliberately handle the ball while its in play.

A. When a player takes a correct trow-in in an upright position with the back of his heels on the touchline and also the rest of his feet on the FOP. The ball is in play while he is still handling it.
"The ball is in play when it enters the field of play"
It can only enter the field of play when the throw in is correctly completed. Therefore it is in play after the player lets go of it.
Again sorry to disappoint :)

Yep, it's implied that it's also not in play until the TI has been completed. Otherwise, taking that text literally, you'd be awarding a free kick for DHB!