Whats the Matter Blatter the Mad Hatter?

Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
so Blatter has finally seen good and resigned!

anyone disagree with the statement that this is a great thing for football?

anybody feel Platini should be given the head honcho role?
A&H International
Not a moment too soon, I hope he spends much of his retirement in a tiny cell
Disgusting man that I'm ashamed the English FA got in bed with when we bid for 2022.
I have a horrible better the devil you know feeling over all of this.

It's trite, almost stage managed, I just hmmm

Slightly disagree. I think he's bailed before he had to go to Canada and could then be arrested. If he stays on Swiss soil, he can't be!

Why ?
All others were arrested in Switzerland right ?
@DanCohen17 is bang on the penny I feel there ...

no law can make him leave Switzerland, we've seen in the past how Switzerland refuse to play 'allie' with countries