What distance are you covering per game?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
For those who track this, on average per game what sort of distance are you covering. I'm just interested to see how I compare to others!

I'm using the addidas speed cell and must say its a brilliant piece of kit. When I was jogging I used a garmin GPS watch, which was obviously a great piece of kit, but for those looking to track your distance on a budget the addidas is great.
A&H International
I use a garmin forerunner, beginning of the season I was covering 3.8 miles now it's 4.5 miles, so increased slightly.

Next season aiming for 5 miles then increase again when fitness improves.
I use the Polar V800 for everything and my last few contrib games have seen me cover the following distances: 10.21km, 9.18km, 9.78km, 9.94km & 10.09km. From memory the greatest distance I've covered one game I've refereed this season is 11.75km
Depends on the nature of the game and the pitch to a degree.

County league top divison will be 9-10 km. welsh league will be 10-11 km. My game last night was 4.53 km first half, 4.35 km in the second. 138 hr average/160 hr max. Was a pretty easy game as it meant nothing for one of the teams.

As AR - generally 2.5 km per half, up to 3.5 km at longer pitches/higher intensity of game. You're a bit more tied to the action when on the line. You run as the game/second last defender dictates.
Well, the Laws are in metric now... with a conversion to Imperial for the Yanks... and you Brits I guess ;)

I tracked myself as an AR at a few university games last fall and was averaging close to 7km. On the line!

I've never tracked my distance as a referee, but I hope to manage to do that at some point this summer.
Ah thats not too bad. I tend to do youth games so not always a full 90 minutes but for the older lads I'm covering about 9km a game, normally a tiny bit over, maybe tiny bit over. Then as the age goes down and the time decreases a bit it starts to drop down a little. For under 11's I seem to clock about 4.5km per game! haha!

I am quite chuffed though as my top speed I'm hitting each game seems to be increasing on a week by week basis. I'm no Usain Bolt, but its nice to see I am getting quicker on a personal level!
Even with a heart complaint, bad hamstrings and calves, I used to regularly top 10km (6 miles) on a Sunday League game and have topped 12.5km (7.5 miles) when needed. Still couldn't pass a fitness test though.

Those of you who only do 9km or less, do you rely on CARs for offside decisions???
Even with a heart complaint, bad hamstrings and calves, I used to regularly top 10km (6 miles) on a Sunday League game and have topped 12.5km (7.5 miles) when needed. Still couldn't pass a fitness test though.

Those of you who only do 9km or less, do you rely on CARs for offside decisions???
I agree with you completely Brian , I can run around the pitch when concentrating on the play but I struggle to run round the shop for some crisps and a Mars Bar without stopping .
No idea how far I run in a game but if it was at the averages I see above I must be fitter than I think :)
I agree with you completely Brian , I can run around the pitch when concentrating on the play but I struggle to run round the shop for some crisps and a Mars Bar without stopping .
No idea how far I run in a game but if it was at the averages I see above I must be fitter than I think :)
Sounds like a challenge... Borrow something which will reveal your magic number!

One thing I have noticed from having used a GPS watch/hr monitor for the last couple of seasons is that distance run is not the only key stat. Sprinting speed, duration and frequency coupled with heart rate averages reveal far more about what is really going on in your games. Its the missing peice which shines light on the distances given above.
Think I may turn out to be the laziest ref in Britain ....but its fine I have 20/20 vision

I may well give it go? then tell lies :D
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Between 5 and 7 miles.
Adult games, 90 mins, no assistants.

On the lines generally about 3 - 4.5 miles.
I'm with @SM on this one. I don't pay much attention to the total distance run but more to the work rate and speed/acceleration data across the 90 minutes.

How hard did I work 1st half compared to 2nd? Etc.
I'm with @SM on this one. I don't pay much attention to the total distance run but more to the work rate and speed/acceleration data across the 90 minutes.

How hard did I work 1st half compared to 2nd? Etc.
Always used to try to beat my first half work rate and distance covered. Works wonders for match control in the latter stages.
I use a Polar V800 on Bank holiday Monday 1st half I done 3.9 miles second half done 4.2 miles 2118 calories burnt it was very warm 22 degrees looking at the logs 41 mins into the first half HR max was 174 and average 143, then had a County cup final as AR on Tuesday night 2.2 miles in the first half and 1.9 miles in the second half.

Also second Brian and ASM its all about beating your first half but sometimes you can't due to the game tempo you are officiating on, It's good to see what you are doing or have done.
It all depends upon the nature of the game; if the ball is going end-to-end constantly then the distance is going to be greater than if the ball barely moves out of the one half. I don't have GPS, but some simple maths would tell me the distance I cover - the radius of the centre circle is 10 yards, multiplied by the number of times the ball changes end... ;)
I get myself into the ball " dropzone" look at the position of the players anticipating the goal kicks or drop kicks..... anticipate the run of the forwards.... look at the position of players in throws..... just getting into the ball " drop zone" really the less grass i cover the less knackered i'll be but the only problem i had this Sunday was the very strong wind which blew the high balls all over the place.....