Back to back to back games, any tips?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So on Sunday I've got three games back to back. Each follows on from the last and I'll be dashing from one pitch to the next. Does anyone have any tips on making sure I'm not dying by the end of it and even more so not crippled on Monday.
A&H International
Depends a little on the age group tho' if they are all o/a I'd question your sanity a little

If you can find a reason to abandon the second one early, go for it
I tend do do 2 games pretty much back to back every Sunday. 3 games geeeezo. Normally a 70 minute game late morning. Then an 80 minute game early afternoon. Both kids of course. Normally have a light lunch in between and try not stay static for too long.

Let us know how the 3 games works for ya?
I've done three matches each Sunday for the last three weeks, varying from U15 -U18, wouldn't dream of doing 3 x 90....stay moving as much as you can particularly between no 2 and 3.
I eat dried fruit..mango and pineapple as my main snack of choice, may squeeze an Eat Natural bar before the last match, make sure you stay warm, at half time and after each match Ive tended to put a jacket on and hydrate...
Legs were very stiff two weeks ago after the 2nd and 3rd match were played on very heavy pitches but have otherwise felt good
As some others have said, avoid being static at all costs! If you're feeling it after the second game then have a sit down before the third your legs will be screaming!!
Should aver saidi normally do two on a Sunday. This Sunday the extra gsme is only 9v9 u10 so won't be hard. But all three games will literally be one after another, and I'm used to a bit of a break between them. I'm doing u10, u17 and u19.
3rd game was cancelled as the home team couldnt get a team together. I wont lie, I was extremely glad as with the wind and rain it was bitterly cold weather, literally a howling wind all the time!
The reality is you have to be economical with your positioning. Save your energy, because you want to have something left in case the last match turns firey.

Avoid foods that drain your energy (such as foods high in salt), and just stay well hydrated. If you have to delay a match for a few minutes while you recover, so be it.

In Australia, even in the middle of winter the sun can have a bit of heat to it, and I could be doing up to 5 matches a day (combo of juniors/O35, lines/middles). I'd wear sunscreen and a hat (anything to reduce the impact of the Sun, I figure that pays off over the course of the day).

On those days, in the early matches I run as little as possible. It's just motivation for preempting play effectively.
Know your limits, teams don't deserve a 40% ref because he's saving himself for his 4 other games of the day..
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If you ever do 3 again, claim to be doing a new FA initiative where you are 4th official and a parent refs and you observe as a "get parents involved" scheme. Full fee still chargeable.
Bananas and bottled water and a rice krispie bar usually helps me when I'm doing back to back games. Only ever done 3 back to back once and it was 3 cup finals but we alternated between Ref/AR1 and AR2
I love a dash between games - especially if I have a co-pilot in the car to help with directions ... only down side is the temptation during each game to not play every single second the game deserves ... shouldn't laugh but I've seen some refs drastically cut short games (by minutes) to get to their next game - tis quite funny though how they get away with it :)
HertsFinest said:
If you ever do 3 again, claim to be doing a new FA initiative where you are 4th official and a parent refs and you observe as a "get parents involved" scheme. Full fee still chargeable.
I might start using this on every game? Pure genius
A big tip........don't take a 2nd game if its going to be tight getting there.

Was watching a youth match this morning, ref turns up 8 minutes before kick off, doesn't check the pitch ,then says to one of the coaches....lets get started, I've another match after this in ( X location which was at least 30 minutes away ) and it will be a rush to get there.
Didn't move from the centre circle, at one point was heard to say ' everyone's F.......ng pushing so I'm giving nothing' a parent I was standing with was dismayed and asked if this was the normal standard of refereeing at youth level.....
At the end at least he was honest and said he'd had a shocker......hope his 2nd match was better
As I have said on other threads, I do not think you should do more than one game a day. Come the third game, you will be mentally drained. And probably physically as well.

As referees we are rightly expected to give 100% in every game. I do not think that is possible if a referee has more than one match a day.