Junior/Youth My game on sunday...


Well-Known Member
After a few days to reflect and recover, I feel I'm finally ready to post about my U18 game from Sunday which resulted in one caution, two dismissals and nine misconduct reports. Yellow and Black were the home team and Claret and Blue were the away team. Final score: A-A.

The home team went 4-0 up rather quickly, from a penalty, a free kick (brilliantly taken) and two open play goals in an end to end half which just flew by. However in the 35th minute, I had to caution a home striker for saying to the other teams CAR after an offside decision 'f off lino!'. The next ten minutes continued like the first 45, with the Claret and Blues picking up a goal just before half time to make it 4-1. After half time, the match really got interesting.

End to end stuff, quite a feisty game but managed to keep the players out of the book until the 70th minute, cautioning an away CB for saying 'f off ref!' after I gave a DFK just outside the box against him. 75th minute, penalty for away team which was put away. Was amazed about a lack of dissent for both penalty decisions, but I digress...
80th minute and a run down the wing by a home team player. He was taken down by the CB who was previously cautioned earlier on in the game. As I was about to blow and issue the CB his second caution due to a reckless challenge, him and the fouled player began to square up to each other. I blew the whistle and called both of them over 3 times. Before I got the opportunity to do anything else, the club assistant ran onto the pitch and started squaring up to the fouled player. They began to push and shove and throw punches at each other, which is when 17 players piled in at once. I blew my whistle like there was no tomorrow, hoping it would stop and it did start to calm a little bit... But then the parents got involved. One parent said to a player 'what are you looking at? I'll punch you in the face'. Another parent got involved saying 'dont talk like that to him, he's 16! If you're gonna punch anyone its gonna be me - come on then!!' It was a terrifying experience and at that point I blew the final whistle. 83 minutes into the match - game over. At which point everyone stopped fighting and I became public enemy number one.

As I retrieved one flag off of the Mike Tyson of a CAR, the player who committed the foul (remember that?) asked me 'what the f do you think you're doing blowing the final whistle?' I showed him the second caution for said foul, and he said 'you should give up refereeing, you're effing s***!' Cheers mate!! As I got the flag from another linesman, a player said to me 'HarryD (as in first name and surname) you're a mug.' No idea how he got my name. I issued a straight red for OFFINABUS and asked for his name. He didn't give it to me. (The CAR from the other team grabbed my card and almost ripped it in two when I showed the red - what an idiot!) I asked his coach, he said 'I don't know who that is' but when the sent off player argued his case to me, the coach said '(insert name of sent off player here) shut up and go away!'. From reading the full time website, there was only one player with that name. I went home immediately without showing any cards for fighting because I didn't feel safe to do so. My safety was my top priority.

So, 1 caution - dissent towards linesman. 2 dismissals - S6 and S7. 9 misconduct reports:
1 + 2 - both teams players for fighting. 3 + 4 - both teams spectators for behaving in the manner they did. 5 + 6 = both teams sent off players - 1 for his comments after dismissal and the other for refusal to give name. 7+8 - Both CARS - one for fighting and the other for grabbing my card during a dismissal. And 9 - the coach who didn't give me the name of the player who I sent off.
If you can't understand it, read it again. It'll make sense eventually. :D That was my horror story from Sunday, I hope to never experience such an event again.

A&H International
First of all, are you ok? That's more important than any of the other stuff.....

The reports for fighting should really be VC reports for those players who you identified. Perfectly fine just to give shirt numbers and explain in the report you didn't get names etc as you feared for your safety. The clubs will have to identify the players.

If you use WGS make sure you tick the box for abandoning the game......plus do a separate report for the abandonment, explaining why you felt it unsafe to continue.

If you didn't get paid, make sure you let your CFA and the league know, they will sort it.

Also make contact with your RDO and local RA if you're a member....they should provide support for you.
Hope you're ok Harry, that's the main thing. Reports are all in the hands of the CFA's now so hopefully they'll do their job. As Padfoot said, try getting a senior ref in you're area (Fellow RA member?) to come and watch your next match if you think it'll help. Had an experience last season (not nearly as bad as this) but I felt great getting out the next week and working my ass off to get every decision right. Head up kid and keep going!!
Wow...what a completely bizarre reaction!

Last time I abandoned a match for misconduct was in Futsal (Actually, only time I've ever had to abandon for misconduct was in Futsal, though I should have once or twice in outdoor) after a player raised a fist to me. The team captain afterwards was, let's say, quite critical of my decision, unfair to punish the team, etc etc.

Next time I refereed them I was forced to abandon from the conduct from the rest of them!

You had no choice in the abandonment. It's a really bizarre reaction. Sorry to hear about the experience and I hope you're alright.
Head up man, I had a game similar but I suspended as only 90 secs left, after the 2 dismissed players went home, I had a conflab with both sets of players and said, 90 secs left, 2-1, do you want to carry on? If yes then no revenge attacks, no fighting, no swearing, the first person to do it means I abandoned the game and theyd incur a hefty fine. They both agreed and no more incidents. Well done for standing up for yourself though. Hope you take to the pitch this weekend
Hang in there mate. Head up.

This sort of nonsense can sometimes spring from nowhere - you have done your job and sounds like you did what needed doing. File this under "some people as idiots" and let's hope the CFA chuck the library at them.
Don't worry about the Essay, as long as you are OK all members on here will be OK.

It is good that you have written it down in logical order, from your description, there was nothing you could have done to stop it - they are just idiots (who will now be paying lots to the CFA).

As your profile now says a nice U11 game is what you need.

One further point, did you report the abandonment to the league directly? It just means that they will track its progress with the CFA and then be able to decide on the outcome of the match.
Can't believe I forgot to reply to this! Had a game on the same pitch the week after as well - also abandoned. Player who received his second caution 2 minutes before said to opposition manager 'you have a team of ****ers' at which point I removed (or at least attempted to) him from the vicinity of the FoP. He refused after a few times of asking so gave him 60 seconds or I'll have no choice but to abandon the game. 60 seconds came and went and gave him one final chance which he declined so I ended the game there. Ridiculous behaviour!

At the time of all of you asking I was fine just shaken up for a few days - thanks for the concern! I put all necessary reports into league and the CFA and am now moving on with an adult middle saturday afternoon and an OA double header on sunday. Onwards and upwards!!
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Sounds rough Harry. Glad you're alright after all of that.

Just from briefly reading your OP, personally I wouldn't have bothered with the cards after the final whistle. In the situation you were in, I think continuing to card people when they are clearly angry and aggressive towards each other is asking for trouble a bit. Not saying you did the wrong thing, and I totally understand why you carded, I just think that doing so makes it more likely that you're gonna get some nugget reacting really badly and taking things too far. Personal safety is the main point and I would have just gotten out of there and whacked everything that was said in the report.

Well done for getting stuck straight back in though! Hope your OA games go alright this weekend!
As above Harry, in the first one just call it off and get away.

On the second one do you think abandoning a game because of one player is a bit too much? I Clearly wasn't there, but abandoning should always be a last resort and if the other 21 players are behaving themselves was there not another way of doing it? Maybe there is more detail to back up the decision. Anyway, main thing is you are still alive after these events.
I tried using the manager who was no use whatsoever, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and use an extreme threat to get rid of him. Unfortunately, he was one of those idiots who didn't get the message and after Id threatened it, I had no option.
Another niggly game with dissent everywhere (second one) left quite a lot out because I didn't see the point in adding loads of detail from a game which wasn't notable other than the mass dissent and the player who ended up causing the abandonment (one of two dismissals)