Coin toss

A&H International
You're all dinosaurs. I just bust out the old coin tossing app on the iPad.

Im looking at setting up a live feed of me doing a coin toss in the centre circle and streaming it so the players can just watch from their smartphones. Will be more authentic and saves the captains walking all the way to the middle.
You jest. But I once played guess the hand when I'd managed to lose my coin before kick off. "Ok skip guess which hand the coin is in." The poor bugger had no chance! Still I styled it out by pretending to put the imaginary coin in my pocket and everything!

I did think a windy day could be an issue I know it would be pedantic and as not fully part of the game do you think an assessor would say anything about playing pick a hand? also would rock paper scissors be ok if I forget my coin?
How good would it be to hide a coin in your hand on a windy day and then produce a white dove :)
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