
Egg man

Level 5 Referee
During today’s match, I dismissed a player in the 33rd minute due to what I perceived as foul and abusive language. After a free kick, I issued a yellow card, sending them to the sin bin for decent. As the player left the field with their back to me, I heard the player call me a “****.” as they left the pitch In response, I called the player back and issued a red card. how would other referee Other handle similar situations?
A&H International
Too many refs refer to "foul and abusive" language. A phrase taken out of the Laws nearly 30 years ago. We now look for "Offensive, Insulting or Abusive" language or actions. This means that just swearing is not sufficient, it needs to insult or offend you. From your example if what the player said did so then a Red Card was absolutely correct. Sometimes, if a player mutters something under his or her breath, I may affect a temporary deafness. But if they speak loudly enough for other players to hear, then it's bye bye.
Sometimes, if a player mutters something under his or her breath, I may affect a temporary deafness. But if they speak loudly enough for other players to hear, then it's bye bye.
My favourite tactic. A few weeks back someone called me a VERY offensive word, but muttered it under their breath and only I heard. Let him stay on. Said it again 2 minutes later, but considerably louder. Red Card, have an early bath, enjoy it.