Forest Vs Liverpool

Josh the referee

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Haven't seen the full incident, just the ugly scenes after the Full Time whistle.

But for anyone that has, what the f**k happened for people to be that angry about?
A&H International
Didn't see the incident, but reading the BBC report, Tierney gave an uncontested drop ball to Liverpool's keeper after a head injury to a Liverpool player, Forest are implying that this action cost them the game, despite them regaining the ball prior to the Liverpool winner.

Despite them being right that Liverpool being given the ball was incorrect in law. It seems like another classic, we aren't going to blame ourselves for losing, so lets blame the ref.

Apparently the owner came onto the pitch at the end of the game to confront Tierney and Clattenburg, in his new role as refereeing analyst, tried to confront Tierney in the changing rooms but was denied entry. In all honesty Clattenburg should know better and it does set a dangerous precedent if clubs are going to employ ex-officials who are then going to confront 'one of their own'.
I watched it on replay. The ball is headed by a Liverpool player inside the penalty area but Forest had gained control outside the area when play was stopped.

I don't really see a reason why it shouldn't have been dropped to Forest on the left wing.
It was a Forest player that stayed down feigning head injury at a Forest corner. A Forest player had possession on the left wing when the game was stopped. Tierney incorrectly gave the dropped ball to Liverpool.
Worst moment for me was when Tierney gave a foul for a Forest in front of the benches. Klopp was miffed understandably. Tierney came over and told Klopp the fourth gave it. I just thought this was dismal leadership. He’s broken the team there, dropped the fourth in it. Awful.
There’s also a video of a fan getting onto the FOP and running at Tierney after the Liverpool goal, only for the Liverpool players to stop him. Week by week, the respect for referees is dropping, not improving. Humans making mistakes is not an excuse for all this
Forest have a reason to be aggrieved - they never get controlled possession back after the drop ball. It’s a clear error in law, and those are rare. Still, they need to respect the referee and all the stuff with Clattenburg is embarrassing.
It was a Forest player that stayed down feigning head injury at a Forest corner. A Forest player had possession on the left wing when the game was stopped. Tierney incorrectly gave the dropped ball to Liverpool.
It was a Liverpool player who stayed down. I suspect you don't think he was feigning. Or you're getting mixed up with the Forest player being hauled down as the corner came over.

I presume Forest will get an apology from Webb, same as Liverpool got for the disallowed not offside goal at Spurs.
From what I’ve seen and read I think there was a clear error in the application of the law, and for that there needs to be serious questions asked.

However, under no circumstances should there ever be anyone who is not a player, technical area occupant, or match official on or around the field of play. The scenes at full time with the Forrest chairman coming onto the pitch are ludicrous.
Forest player takes a touch a split second before the whistle goes - I imagine that the referee was looking at the Liverpool player who stayed down and hasn't seen the touch. The ball goes out of play twice between the dropped ball and the goal, and Forest regain possession after the corner only to promptly lose it again, which leads to the goal. Mountains and molehills.
From what I’ve seen and read I think there was a clear error in the application of the law, and for that there needs to be serious questions asked.

However, under no circumstances should there ever be anyone who is not a player, technical area occupant, or match official on or around the field of play. The scenes at full time with the Forrest chairman coming onto the pitch are ludicrous.
What's your reasoning for thinking that there has been an error in law?

I'm confident that a Premier League referee knows the law; Tierney clearly believed that the last touch of the ball was in the penalty area. That's an error in fact.
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2. Dropped ball


The ball is dropped for the defending team goalkeeper in their penalty area if, when play was stopped:

  1. the ball was in the penalty area or
  2. the last touch of the ball was in the penalty area
In all other cases, the referee drops the ball for one player of the team that last touched the ball at the position where it last touched a player, an outside agent or, as outlined in Law 9.1, a match official
All other players (of both teams) must remain at least 4 m (4.5 yds) from the ball until it is in play

I wonder if he blew it before the Forest player touched the ball, or thought he blew it before the Forest player touched the ball?
If so, then he is correct (by what he thought he saw). VAR can't get involved with that.
Remember, his focus has now changed to the injured player, so he may not have realised in that split second Forest may have got the ball as/after he blew meaning Forest restart.

On top of that, is the reason the Liverpool player is down because of a dangerous challenge, whether contact is made or not?

Also, they're moaning about something in the 99th minute, they had 98 other minutes to score.
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I assume the owner will be banging on Elangas front door for the chances he missed in the game, or Taiwo’s for trying to dribble the ball out of his own penalty area in the 98th minute.

Probably not
What's your reasoning for thinking that there has been an error in law?

I'm confident that a Premier League referee knows the law; Tierney clearly believed that the last touch of the ball was in the penalty area. That's an error in fact.
Absolutely correct. For there to be an error in Law you would need to prove that the referee misapplied or did not understand the correct Law. If the referee merely was mistaken about where the last touch on the ball was, then there is no case at all for appeal.
I think there is non clarity on when the game is considered stopped. Many believe when the whistle is blown. Most referees believe it's stopped when the referee decides it is stopped or decides he is stopping the game. The whistle comes moments after the decision to signal it. In this instance the time gap between forest touching and the whistle is about half a second. I think Tierney's has already decided he is stopping the game before the ball is touched outside the PA, and he has also decided where the ball is being dropped. This makes the touch outside the PA irrelevant even if he had seen it.

So for me, this is not a mistake provided his explanation is as above.
What's your reasoning for thinking that there has been an error in law?

I'm confident that a Premier League referee knows the law; Tierney clearly believed that the last touch of the ball was in the penalty area. That's an error in fact.
Absolutely correct. For there to be an error in Law you would need to prove that the referee misapplied or did not understand the correct Law. If the referee merely was mistaken about where the last touch on the ball was, then there is no case at all for appeal.
Agreed. A very good example is when two opponents challenge for the ball at the same time, one of them touches it and it goes out of FOP. Now if the referee gives the ball to the team of the player who last touched it (because he thought the opponents touched it), this is not a error in law, it's an error in judgement.

Though as per my previous post, I don't think OP is an error or a mistake at all.
It was a Liverpool player who stayed down. I suspect you don't think he was feigning. Or you're getting mixed up with the Forest player being hauled down as the corner came over.

I presume Forest will get an apology from Webb, same as Liverpool got for the disallowed not offside goal at Spurs.
Oops I must have been thinking about the earlier one. Defensive DFK surely the easiest decision here.
Some very special pleading going on here to avoid the obvious!

And Klopp says he did it earlier in the game as well...

And clear holding by Liverpool no. 2 on the penalty spot before the dangerous play. The only thing that VAR could have intervened on. But the AR and 4th might have had a word....