So just finished my first real game

Dave Mac

Runwell Hospital under 14's 4 - 3 WItham Nomads under 14's.

I really enjoyed it. THe kids gave me a bit of a run around than I thought they would and first half I think I was trying to stay so close to play I was nearly killing myself!

Looking back there was only one moment I think I ****ed up as both teams played in such good spirit they weregreat lads, I gave about 4 free kicks in the whole game. But one of the edge of the area was an obvious push on the attacker, he was stumbling into the area so I blew up so there wasnt any confusion about it possibly being a penalty. But just as I blew the attacker managed to wrap his foot round it and curl it into the far corner! :oops: If only I'd let play carry on it would have been a goal. At the risk of sounding harsh it would have been the best moment if skill in the match so I never thought he'd manage to get a shot away let alone score! Least going forward in those situations I will let the game carry on a bit longer. Luckily both teams were very good spirited and neither bench made a big deal of it.

To cap it off the other team broke and managed to get a goal which was ruled out for one of the latest offside flags I'd ever seen, but it was a club lineo giving it against his own team so had to go with it.

On the subject of club lineo's its amazing how much they just blend into the back ground just carrying the flag behind their back and strolling up and down the line. Also they had this habit of waving the flag for about half a second then putting it down, I had to ask them to keep the flag up a bit longer so I could notice it!

One thing with doing 13 year olds is there really isnt any banter to be had with the players so just a case of jogging about a pitch whistling from time to time.
A&H International
Well done - hope you enjoyed to. Don't just assume that all u14 games will be the same. I've reffed Premier Elite U12 and they nearly run me off the pitch, great interlink play and continuous banter. Then in some u15/16 games the lads can barely run..

Find the league that suits you, your ability and your fitness..

If you're new to the game, you may want to read Diary of a New Referee.
