Women's World Cup final refereeing crew


RefChat Addict
Did not see this one coming - at all.


So based on what I have seen in another forum, there is a lot of history in this appointment.
  • First Americans to be onfield officials (referee, AR1, AR2) for a senior World Cup final
  • Back to back World Cup finals with American officials on the crew (Ismail Elfath was fourth official and Katy Nesbitt was fifth official/reserve assistant for the men's final)
  • Nesbitt is the first non-VAR referee to be on the officiating crew for a men's and women's World Cup final
  • First time since 1934 that a referee has led a crew in a senior World Cup semifinal and final
  • First time since 2005 that ANY referee has led a crew in the semis and finals in any World Cup - youth or senior
Even for those of us who are American and have felt our compatriots have performed well at this World Cup, this was a MAJOR surprise.
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A&H International
I haven't paid that much attention...but is there a reason its not frappart?
She did the last final and she wasn't particularly good this tournament. I was expecting it to be Staubli but I guess having a European do it for the 4th straight time when you are able to use an American for the first time was apart of it. But Penso earned it on merit too. Four matches with no KMIs or VAR interventions.
Also some rumors flying around that perhaps Jacewicz was in consideration for the final after Australia lost, but was injured. I do not know if this is true. There was a late switch of fourth officials taking Yamashita off of the AUS-ENG semi, but who knows what drove that.

Obviously, the US refereeing community is excited about this. I’ve been on training webinars that Tori Penso has led. She’s awesome-just a high energy and relentlessly positive person. Four years ago, she was doing college, NWSL, and some lower level men’s professional league games. She gave up a good marketing job to focus full time on officiating after watching the 2019 WWC. She’s now a regular referee in MLS,
worked CONCACAF matches for both men and women, and has been assigned a semi and a final in her debut World Cup. It’s really quite a journey in a short period of time.
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I'm really not a fan of a semi-final referee then being given the final. Too much risk of something that happened in the semi-final clouding judgement.

Don't get me wrong, she was very good in the semi-final, I just don't like the appointing principal.
I do agree with you on this, and I think it’s why you hardly ever see it. The last time I remember it happening in a major event was 2016, when Clattenberg had (I believe) a semifinal Champions League 1st leg and then the final.

All of this continues to be speculation, but on a similar US-based site those who either have watched these things for a long time or have some connections to the upper reaches of FIFA are more convinced that Penso’s appointment became more tenable because of an injury to Kate Jacewicz. There’s no concrete proof of this, but some of the last-minute moves and the highly unusual nature of Tori Penso’s “double” point to factors outside of just giving her a semi and a final purely because she was that good (but to be fair, she has been without much question one of the best referees at this event).
Had a SF in the middle where I sent-off the winners’ centre forward late on for a headbutt after he was tripped clean through on a hat trick with barely 5 to play. No doubt, no question, no appeal. (Pair of reds)

As luck would have it, his first game back was the final, and after some changes, due to a postponement and someone then being on holiday… I ended up 4th for the final.

He’s a sub. First half naff all happens, livens up a bit then on the hour here he comes. Haven’t had a peep from either bench other than one asking for the time.

Board in hand, ball out for a throw, nod from the ref. Over he comes, and as he jogs on with me saying “cheers fella on ya go” he turns and says quite loudly “at least you can’t send me off this week you cheating f***ing c**t”.

Well, dear reader, I can.
Oh, another one. County League had a supplementary cup - if you lose in the first round, you go into your own knockout competition.

I got the final of that, well chuffed. The two teams in the final I’d both had in the first round as losers, after one of the games had been postponed a week due to a clash with cricket.

Only two times I’d had either team all season 😂

That one went alright. Doing a SF/F adds an unnecessary ‘spice’ to the game I think.
Marciniak did 2nd leg semi and final in this years CL.

Agree not ideal, but if the semi has gone well then no issues, esp if they're the best ref for the job

As luck would have it, his first game back was the final, and after some changes, due to a postponement and someone then being on holiday… I ended up 4th for the final.

Board in hand, ball out for a throw, nod from the ref. Over he comes, and as he jogs on with me saying “cheers fella on ya go” he turns and says quite loudly “at least you can’t send me off this week you cheating f***ing c**t”.

Well, dear reader, I can.
Ok, curious. If VC is a three game ban, how is he back for the final when tossed from the SF?

the last part reminds me of a complaint that was filed after a game. As AR I had advised the R the coach needed a cautio—he didn’t even ask me what for, just gave it. A parent was outraged that the R would do that. . . .
Ok, curious. If VC is a three game ban, how is he back for the final when tossed from the SF?

the last part reminds me of a complaint that was filed after a game. As AR I had advised the R the coach needed a cautio—he didn’t even ask me what for, just gave it. A parent was outraged that the R would do that. . . .
Could easily have been 3 league games between SF and Final.
Did not see this one coming - at all.


So based on what I have seen in another forum, there is a lot of history in this appointment.
  • First Americans to be onfield officials (referee, AR1, AR2) for a senior World Cup final
  • Back to back World Cup finals with American officials on the crew (Ismail Elfath was fourth official and Katy Nesbitt was fifth official/reserve assistant for the men's final)
  • Nesbitt is the first non-VAR referee to be on the officiating crew for a men's and women's World Cup final
  • First time since 1934 that a referee has led a crew in a senior World Cup semifinal and final
  • First time since 2005 that ANY referee has led a crew in the semis and finals in any World Cup - youth or senior
Even for those of us who are American and have felt our compatriots have performed well at this World Cup, this was a MAJOR surprise.
Not surprised at all. Penso has been the standout ref at the tournament...
I only saw her in the SF and I thought she was outstanding. I thought we could use her in the Premier League.