Comm Shield - Arsenal vs Man City


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
Partey & Alvarez both shown yellow cards for kicking the ball away.

I have long been an advocate of a clampdown on timewasting, needless kicking away of the ball and gamesmanship etc, will be interesting to see if referees at the highest levels maintain the new stance or like many before it, it gets relaxed and quietly forgotten about as the season goes on.
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A&H International
Some good commentary from Lee Dixon on exactly this point. Sadly the opposite reflected by Don Goodman during the Sunderland - Ipswich game. Unclear if a player received a second caution for a pull back or kicking the ball away but to the latter Goodman said “he kicked it against the advertising hoarding so it came back on”.

That makes it ok then?
Some good commentary from Lee Dixon on exactly this point. Sadly the opposite reflected by Don Goodman during the Sunderland - Ipswich game. Unclear if a player received a second caution for a pull back or kicking the ball away but to the latter Goodman said “he kicked it against the advertising hoarding so it came back on”.

That makes it ok then?
It is kind of a valid point. They offence is delaying the restart, prodding the ball away and it stays on the pitch is delaying as someone has to go and get it, but if they kick it off the pitch with multi ball a new one is thrown on immediately. Arguably it speeds up the restart rather than delays it. They could do with changing the wording to make it a specific offence to touch the ball after a free kick has been given against your team.