Absolutely disgusting

A&H International
Saw the video this morning and was in absolute shock! Lengthy prison sentence needed for that scumbag!
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What an absolute scrote.
That behaviour is nothing to do with refereeing or football.
If that person is happy to do that at a sporting event in full view of dozens of onlookers, then imagine what he's capable of behind closed doors or even in the pub after a few drinks!!

A menace to society. Lock him up for a long long time. :eek:
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The lack of support from his assistants is disappointing, I understand they would be concerned for their own safety, but get in front of the referee in circumstances like this, back off and away from the danger area. No excusing the behaviour of the attacker (very long custodial sentence coming hopefully) also think other players could have done more to protect a very vulnerable individual. More people wanting to film it than help the referee.
Words fail me. This referee is a good friend of mine.

Also a news article

Hope he's alright - I've read elsewhere that his jaw was broken.
The lack of support from his assistants is disappointing, I understand they would be concerned for their own safety, but get in front of the referee in circumstances like this, back off and away from the danger area. No excusing the behaviour of the attacker (very long custodial sentence coming hopefully) also think other players could have done more to protect a very vulnerable individual. More people wanting to film it than help the referee.
I think once they've started, there's not a lot the assistants can do, apart from perhaps blocking once the assailant's gone off on his own again. They're probably trying to get a decent view for when the report has to go in.
Appalling and upsetting. You wonder why some people play sport at all and what their life must be like outside football. I hope the referee is OK and the perpetrator dealt with appropriately.
He lost 3 teeth, Brocken jaw as per the video and hospitalised. The perpetrator turned himself in with a lawyer at a police station.
Will just say about the hesitancy of players and officials to get in the way of this roided up freak. That team is full of wannabe, and actual gangsters. Just a few weeks ago one of the players from that team was shot dead in the carpark at the gym execution style over some alleged grievance. Likely drugs.

So yeah whilst we'd all like to think we'd jump in and help I've seen these 'men' up close and they would scare the bejesus out of normal folk.

Hope the ref gets better and this pig goes to jail. Judge has refused bail. The club has pulled that team out of the comp.