It Starts Tomorrow...


Staff member
Level 3 Referee

Well, somehow my whole approach to this has shifted!!

Still dont think I'll wear one, but, having read some of the comments against the various articles it is quite clear that, perhaps, these might be needed in some places.

Good luck to anyone on the trial, and if any forum members are included we would absolutely love to hear of your experience
A&H International
100% can see the positives to it, and after my first serious incident last weekend, I get why the push is there for them. Still dont think I'd like wearing one, but I'm intrigued with what the trial will show
What I found conspicuously absent from the coverage is how the footage will be accessed and used.

A few months ago when I heard the organizer interviewed, the plan was the footage would be stored in a central server and would only be accessed by “disciplinary committees” or similar in the event if a referee report and a specific match incident time. Referees would not have access to the footage.

Listening to Talksh*** today you would think every grassroots red in the country will be watching their GoPro footage on Monday.

What is the actual truth/scheme here?
Still a lot of unanswered questions. Who pays for them, them being provided free for 100 trial referees is a lot different to 28,000 being provided free? Where's the recordings stored, is it cloud or local SD Card storage? If cloud what happens if you are refereeing in an area with poor / no phone signal? Who is responsible for keeping any stored footage GDPR compliant? Who responds to any DSARs? And so on.
As I've said many times before, the Authorities have no choice but to deflect from the burning issue of behaviour on TV
They have to deflect because the likes of the FA have insufficient clout over the EPL to influence that 'product'
As I've said many times before, the Authorities have no choice but to deflect from the burning issue of behaviour on TV
They have to deflect because the likes of the FA have insufficient clout over the EPL to influence that 'product'
This a million times.