Garmin watches with Refsix


Active Member
Does anyone use a Garmin watch with Refsix?
I've got a Forerunner 425, but that only supports the lite version so only use it for the timer function but looking at a new one with a touchscreen to use for full match record and wondered if anyone had any experience with them and their functionality?

A&H International
Does anyone use a Garmin watch with Refsix?
I've got a Forerunner 425, but that only supports the lite version so only use it for the timer function but looking at a new one with a touchscreen to use for full match record and wondered if anyone had any experience with them and their functionality?

Late reply, but yes I do. I use the Viroactive 4 with the pro version.
I got the basic one just to see if I’d use it or not so only got a cheap one. But I definitely use it so will get a ‘better’ one. Would like a touchscreen ideally
is Refsix worth investing in? at the moment I use a sharpie and laminated score cards and use alcohol wipes to clean them
is Refsix worth investing in? at the moment I use a sharpie and laminated score cards and use alcohol wipes to clean them
No one's ever going to be able to persuade you that there's anything wrong with that method - the question is always going to be if you want to add the additional things Refsix allows for.
is Refsix worth investing in? at the moment I use a sharpie and laminated score cards and use alcohol wipes to clean them
Along with what @GraemeS says its also a personal thing.

I just don't ever see myself recording games digitally. Call me old fashioned but I like pen and paper (or like you Sharpie and card skin).

I also already have a very expensive GPS sports watch that doesn't offer third party apps (and the brand I like are very closed platform so no outlook for it)
Along with what @GraemeS says its also a personal thing.

I just don't ever see myself recording games digitally. Call me old fashioned but I like pen and paper (or like you Sharpie and card skin).

I also already have a very expensive GPS sports watch that doesn't offer third party apps (and the brand I like are very closed platform so no outlook for it)
I would have to invest in an updated watch too so might cost me a bit. Paper and Pen has worked for me and never fails.
Our League website tracks amount of games, cautions and reds for each referee. maybe ill stick to what has served me well
I use it for the timing function mainly, it’s great for that and the stats are good to help me with my positioning. The timer is great for count up and down and for added time. Still undecided but I think I’ll remain pen and paper for match record
is Refsix worth investing in? at the moment I use a sharpie and laminated score cards and use alcohol wipes to clean them
Just like Graeme and James have said.
It depends on you.

I use refsix and literally can’t use any other recording method for matches.