
RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Think Pawson's forgotten his cards, both LB's lucky not to be in the book within 25 minutes.

Good alertness to flag off a Liverpool goal for a weird offside coming from a blocked clearance, could easily have caught the AR napping.
A&H International
Robertson's challenge looked a lot worse than it was. He overran the ball and jumped in a bit, but then tried to pull out and any contact was minimal. Thomas would be for PI, but he was very unluck on the second foul as he didn't make any contact at all on the attacker.

I get the impression Howard Webb has asked the officials to keep the cards away if possible. He has also clearly told the ARs to get the flags up early if the offside is clear, happened a couple of times tonight where they would definitely have kept it down earlier in the season.
Craig pawson in my opinion is in top 3 match officials in the league and has shown it in the game No need for cards and the game has flown well. As above Robertsons foul not a yellow player jumping made it worse.
Maybe I've let the commentators get in my head then - they were chatting about VAR and Robertson being lucky the next restart was quick, strongly implying red was a likely outcome. I thought that was overstating it, but still felt it qualified as reckless.
Maybe I've let the commentators get in my head then - they were chatting about VAR and Robertson being lucky the next restart was quick, strongly implying red was a likely outcome. I thought that was overstating it, but still felt it qualified as reckless.
If red was a likely outcome there is absolutely no way he would have played advantage in the middle of the pitch.
We know that the yellow card goalposts have been moved. For the Leicester left back to not get a YC was outrageous - but in the context of the world cup, normal.

The question is: are these now the LotG? Is this what our local grassroots admins want us to do?
Caution for an absolute flop, couple of missed cautions and blew up on 94 mins when Henderson was down injured for a minute at least...
Yeah, amazing game by Pawson 🙄